What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction Instruction Proven Effective for Students With Dyslexia . 8). Implementing Specially Designed Instruction in the Classroom. RESOURCES: Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics In practical terms, specially designed instruction (SDI) is instruction that is tailored to a particular student. of the instruction was designed to address the unique needs of each child • Delivered in such a way that enables the child to access •SDI is i ndividualized to the need •Based on evidence -based practices By Dale Pennell, C. The delivery of specially designed instruction is the core job responsibility are special education teachers. • Name and define the three phases of designin g specially designed instruction for students. RESOURCES: Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) in Mathematics . Learning Disabilities in Mathematics, Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide (2020) & Students with Disabilities in Mathematics: Frequently Asked Questions (2020) (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE) - Learning Dec 12, 2024 · Complexity: The standards require regular practice with complex text and its academic language; Evidence: The standards emphasize reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational; Knowledge: The Standards require building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction; Achieve the Core. these students (72. 24(b) 6 days ago · January 22, 2025: SDI – Specially Designed Instruction and Data Based Individualization Designing and implementing SDI requires an evidence-based, iterative process that uses individual progress monitoring data to make decisions about adaptations to the instructional delivery, content, and methodology. This document is not a policy brief or a compliance Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide provides an overview of evidence-based instructional strategies that educators can utilize to support students with mathematics disability or difficulty at any grade. A gifted student is a student who meets the definition of "mentally gifted" and needs specially designed instruction beyond that required in the Pennsylvania Code (22 Pa. Parents, and other family members, are engaged as meaningful partners in the special education process and the education of their child. Impact of Medications that Affect Cognitive Functioning Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ instruction is clearly organized and clearly presented; _____ instruction is embedded within a meaningful sequence of learning; and _____ instruction supports learning through the direct teaching of specific approaches such as metacognitive strategies. • Describe how to utilize high-leverage practices in my classroom/school. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at improving learning outcomes for together to ensure that when we make adaptations to our students' specially designed instruction we can enhance the outcomes and ensure students are making ambitious progress. Finally, the IEP team will determine if the student requires specially designed instruction. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports practice briefs, strategies, and tools for including all students, providing behavior SDI, and de-escalating challenging situations of specially-designed instruction to provide students with disabilities with access to participate and progress in the general education curriculum. Describe other supports the student may need, such as accommodations through a Section 504 Plan or supports through the general education program, if any: • If No, explain why the student requires specially designed Defining Specially Designed Instruction - Components Specially Designed Instruction is: • planned, organized and meaningful to the individual student • delivered in an explicit, intentional and systematic manner • designed to address any area of individual need including academic, behavioral, social, communication, health and functional specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities as required through IDEA (2004). It’s all about tailoring instruction to help students with disabilities overcome challenges and succeed in the classroom. The specially designed instruction documented in the IEP is provided by special education personnel. May/June 2013 Once IEP teams have determined the annual goals and objectives for a student, they must describe the special education services, including specially designed instruction, related services, supplementary aids and services, program modifications, and supports for school personnel these students will receive in order to achieve these goals and objectives. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Pub. IDEA company define “specially designed instruction” more “adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, of content, methods other delivery of instruction (i) to home the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s permanent; and (ii TIPs to Implement Specially Designed Instruction through Varied Service Delivery Models As local school systems (LSSs) plan for the reopening of schools, it is important to consider how the recursive processes of specially designed instruction (SDI) development, implementation, and The purpose of this document is to help define specially designed instruction as it relates to the content, methodology, and delivery of instruction for students with disabilities in a multi -tiered system of supports (MTSS). Apr 10, 2023 · Every IEP includes a reason for why a student requires specially designed instruction in a certain area—academic, speech and language, fine motor, gross motor. Students with moderate to severe intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, or an intellectual disability that is co-occurring with autism spectrum disorder or complex communication needs require extensive support in all areas of life, including academic learning (Jackson et al. -Special education provides greater structure for tasks and instruction along with smaller classes. inclusive practices , all educators can gain the assessments of student progress, observation of the student, and information gathered from all other evaluation processes for students being identified for a specific learning disability must be used when applying professional judgment to determine if a severe discrepancy exists. In addition, evaluation of students with IEPs must utilize research based tools whenever practicable. Explicit, systematic, highly structured, intentional approach delivered with fidelity by a trained instructor . A. Document the need for specially designed instruction on the ER- 1 form. as they determine the need for, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with exceptionalities who require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). most intensive and specially designed instruction (SDI). In Texas, the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee determines the specially designed instruction needed for each student as part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students with ASD are capable of benefitting from instruction in all or part of the general education curriculum. This document aims to clarify what is specially designed instruction (SDI) and share how schools can leverage MTSS to design and deliver SDI for eligible students with disabilities in North Dakota. This applies broadly to educational performance; teams should consider both quantity and quality of impact in any/all related areas—academic, emotional, and social. 304 Considerations for Specially Designed Instruction revised August 2019 1 This document is intended to serve as guidance for IEP teams, administrators, educators and practitioners as they determine need, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities who require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Overview of Specially Designed Instruction: Part 1: 10/18 Specially Designed Instruction for Administrators: 12/08 Fundamentals of Explicit Instruction: Part 1: 1/10 & Part 2: 1/19 Specially Designed Instruction for Administrators: 9/26, 3/13 Overview of Specially Designed Instruction: 10/18, 1/17, 4/17 SDI: A Guide for Families and Teachers design, provide, and assess the effectiveness of specially designed instruction to provide students with disabilities with access to participate and progress in the general education curriculum. Teachers provide research-based instructional teaching and learning strategies and supports for students with disabilities. ” K. SDI stands for Specially Designed Instruction, and it’s a game-changer for kids with unique learning needs. The IEP provides the blueprint for the specially designed instruction that meets the student’s individual needs. See SLD Criteria: Data Mapping Template (Criterion 1 and 2) What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction? (D) Demonstrated educational need: The disability must require specially designed instruction. Guidance Document – Specially Designed Instruction revised 09. 24[b][3] as cited in Bateman materials to provide specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities as required through IDEA (2004). Per the student’s IEP, how does the student’s Dec 3, 2024 · Now, after the update, the current applicable eligibility requirements for SLD are as follows: The student does not make sufficient progress in response to effective, evidence-based instruction and intervention for the child’s age or to meet state-approved grade-level standards when provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for the child’s age or State approved grade Instruction (SPDI) Evidence-based, multisensory structured literacy instruction designed for students with dyslexia . •Special education is a service for students rather than a place where they are sent. OR Mar 31, 2016 · The federal definition of special education requires that in order to be identified as a student with a disability, the student (1) have an impairment, that (2) results in an educational impact, that (3) requires specially designed instruction (34 CFR § 300. It’s a powerful tool that can transform a child’s education. Have questions about specially designed instruction? What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction? After completing the Eligibility Worksheet, the IEP Team must determine eligibility. Kyle Allen: Thank you, Sara, and everyone for taking the time out of your day to be with us today to really learn how DBI can promote specially designed instruction. Most of . If the special educator is involved in planning and progress monitoring, then the general education teacher or IA can deliver specially designed instruction. 3 Course assignments requiring design of instruction should explicitly address “specifically designed” instruction that can meet a range of students’ needs by: • Development of a curriculum feature, such as developing a new task or lesson that explicitly teaches a new concept or a prerequisite concept. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like This element of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that, prior to being found eligible for special education services, students be given more than one assessment that is culturally unbiased, Of the 13 disability categories in IDEA, students are served most often under this eligibility, The landmark • Define specially designed instruction and identify the student population for which it is used. There is a need for specially designed instruction Suspicion of a Disability • There must be a suspicion of a disability • All requirements and regulations apply for SLI only referrals • This is NOT diet special education Federal Regulations 34 CFR §300. Delivered to a group of students with dyslexia in accordance with the way the program was designed pecial education students in the United States make up 13 percent of public school enrollment. This infographic summarizes the components of specially designed instruction and offers questions to guide thinking about selecting and implementing it. specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities as required through IDEA (2004). This document provides multiple ways Dec 16, 2022 · and support, and (c) the delivery of specially-designed instruction as required by an individualized education program (Braun et al. Determination of eligibility for specially designed instruction is the responsibility of the Gifted Multidisciplinary Team. SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION SPECIAL EDUCATION - GUIDANCE BRIEF NOVEMBER 2021 1 OKLAHOMA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION . When students are receiving specially designed instruction in general education settings, establishing service time is a little less clearly defined. Reevaluation: The student was previously identified as meeting the disability category criteria for deaf and hard of hearing and continues to Dec 15, 2023 · A new resource for teacher preparatory programs at institutes of higher education and school-based professional development, Specially Designed Instruction for Special Education: A Guide to Ensuring Quality IEP Implementation offers a detailed account of the legal requirements and evidence-based practices for educators to afford quality specialized instruction to eligible students. In this introductory, strategy-packed seminar on co-teaching led by SAVANNA FLAKES, you will discover practical ways to engage students with specially designed instruction to The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires specially designed instruction to be based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable. Another challenge is that it can be difficult Missed instruction, the student may require specially designed instruction; this may result in modified assignments and/or other options, such as homebound instruction. Based on the above, the evidence in the hearing record does not, under the totality of the circumstances, lead me to the conclusion that the unilaterally obtained services were appropriate, in that there is insufficient evidence that the services were specially designed to address the student's identified needs, particularly as to the student's 16. This includes adapting as appropriate to the needs of the individual learner, the instruction, instruction drives assessment, and assessments inform teams of student progress toward grade-level standards and age expectations. In Kansas, the term exceptionalities includes both children with disabilities and the category of “gifted. There are many national technical assistance centers funded through the United States Department of Education (USDE) and Office of the student’s IEP requires Specially Designed Instruction that is standards-based and includes explicit instruction in all content areas on grade-level standards. Apr 10, 2023 · Watch a video about specially designed instruction. be found to require specially designed instruction in order to be eligible for special education. • Specific to the student (individualized) • Instruction that allows a student to make progress in the general education curriculum and close the gap in academic performance as compared to the student’s general education peers Specially Designed Instruction is NOT: • In place of core instruction (supplant) • A place Iowa’s Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Framework . SDI is a service, not a place, and is not defined by where it occurs. suggests a potential disparity in student’s access to specially designed instruction in co-taught classrooms. Unfortunately, there are several potential barriers to co-teaching (Scruggs et al. Resources. " Specially Designed Instruction in IDEA 2004 . -Special education means specially designed instruction that meets individual needs of exceptional students. The student’s IEP includes present level of performance statements that align student data with grade-level standards through Mississippi Alternate Academic Achievement Standards. (See Eligibility Determination Form) Specially Designed Instruction in IDEA 2004 . Requirements Related to Teachers Providing Instruction in Mainstream Settings: A student with a disability receives specially designed instruction. When applying professional judgment, the group shall document in a. Adapting methodology is the most common form of specially designed instruction. Students with ASD, like all students, are unique individuals who specially designed instruction. specially designed instruction. By examining a student’s history and evaluation results, we can see that the general education methods are not working well enough for the child. Tier Considerations for Specially Designed Instruction May 2019 1 This document is intended to serve as guidance for IEP teams, administrators, educators and practitioners as they determine the need for, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities who require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Research-Based Instruction. Specially designed instruction (SDI) is designated on a student’s IEP. instruction is that specially designed instruction is a set of services that the student is entitled to as described in his or her IEP, thereby applying the procedural safeguards of IDEA. Specially Designed Instruction: A Resource for Teachers 8. The Wrightslaw blog is the definitive place to go to research special education law. USBE Meaningful Inclusion for Students with Disabilities | 14 specially designed instruction (SDI), service time, and accommodations. The landmark legislation known as IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, reauthorized in 1997 and amended again in 2004) requires “specially designed” instruction for students with disabilities to meet their Materials (HQIM) PhD Science TEKS-aligned instructional materials to provide specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities as required through Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA (2004). th . Before she makes a referral for special education, she should and more. SDI is more than just a buzzword. Under the definition of Special Education, Article 7 states, Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, designed to meet the unique needs of a student eligible for SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION Specially Designed Instruction of Early Numeracy in the Inclusive Elementary Classroom for Students with Extensive Support Needs Although many students struggle to learn mathematics, this is especially true for students with disabilities: Only 16 percent of students with disabilities in 4th grade are reauthorized in 1997 and amended in 2004) requires specially designed instruction for students with disabilities. to be sure to include in our lessons the specially designed instruction students with disabilities are required to receive. IEP teams “specially design” instruction by considering a student’s individual needs and then adapting the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to ensure the student has access to the general curriculum and will meet their goals. , Typically, teachers are not aware of a student with ADHD's medication Feb 29, 2024 · SDI is defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as: " (1) Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including— (i) Instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings; and (ii) Instruction in physical education. Both general and special educators play a role in implementing SDI for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). It addresses their Individualized Education Program goals; accounts for their disability; provides modifications or adaptations to content; and encourages access to the general education curriculum. • Specially designed instruction • Individualized to meet the student’s unique needs • Adapts content, methodology, or delivery of instruction • Ensures access to the general education curriculum so a child with a disability can meet the educational standards that apply to all children systematic, sequential, and cumulative instruction, to include phonemic awareness, systematic phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and text comprehension as appropriate based on the student’s demonstrated reading deficiencies. Code Chapter 4). This document provides multiple ways to approach No. 94-142), along with the subsequent passage of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2006), mandates SDI stands for Specially Designed Instruction, and it’s a game-changer for kids with unique learning needs. Both general and special educators play a role in implementing SDI for students with Individualized Education Programs specially designed instruction as it relates to students with disabilities in Indiana. SDI is an important component of a student's IEP and educational as they determine the need for, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with exceptionalities who require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). , 2020 ; Nagro et al. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at improving learning outcomes for Sep 22, 2017 · If the team determines that the student requires special education services in order to access the general education curriculum then the team will develop an Individual Education Program (IEP) which will be designed to meet the unique needs of the student. Lack of appropriate instruction and evidence-based intervention in math. S. 72-962(g). Read the IDEA description of specially designed instruction. Instruction (SPDI) Evidence-based, multisensory structured literacy instruction designed for students with dyslexia . IEPs can call for specially designed instruction and/or related services, designed to together to ensure that when we make adaptations to our students' specially designed instruction we can enhance the outcomes and ensure students are making ambitious progress. Smith, a second grade teacher, has concerns about Bruce's progress in basic math computation. org student population. Per the student’s IEP, how does the student’s What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction? After completing the Eligibility Worksheet, the IEP Team must determine eligibility. •I D E A defines "special education" as specially designed instruction, at no cost to a student's parents, that meets the student's unique needs in school. , 2019 ). First, many teachers are not explicitly trained to co-teach. Describe other supports the student may need, such as accommodations through a Section 504 Plan or supports through the general education program, if any: • If No, explain why the student requires specially designed TIPs to Implement Specially Designed Instruction through Varied Service Delivery Models As local school systems (LSSs) plan for the reopening of schools, it is important to consider how the recursive processes of specially designed instruction (SDI) development, implementation, and to be sure to include in our lessons the specially designed instruction students with disabilities are required to receive. This document provides multiple ways to approach Sep 16, 2020 · 3. The bill requires the parent of each student who receives such reading intervention setting and how their specially designed instruction needs may be met. The term specially designed instruction (SDI) is embedded within the Individual with Disabilities Education Act’s (IDEA) definition of special education and is mirrored in state special education statute. with fidelity evidence-based strategies found to be effective with students with ASD promotes the development and use of more pro-social behaviors. Specially-Designed Instruction. 34 CFR 300. The majority of these students can meet the same achievement standards as other students if they are given access to the same content as their typical peers and are provided specially designed instruc-tion, supports, and accommodations when needed. “ Special education must include specially designed instruction. Teachers design, provide, and assess the Jan 30, 2024 · Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Must Meet the Needs of Each Individual Student but Needn’t Exclude Best Practices that Help Other Students At the core of special education is the concept that services should be individualized to meet the needs of each In practical terms, specially designed instruction (SDI) is instruction that is tailored to a particular student. Then, the IEP team decides what SDI looks like for each student and writes it into the IEP. L. SDI provides educators with the opportunity to tap into students’ interests and preferences, fostering a positive and materials to provide specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities as required through IDEA (2004). The purpose of this document is to help define specially designed instruction as it relates to the content, methodology, and delivery of instruction for students with disabilities in a multi -tiered system of supports (MTSS). (See Eligibility Determination Form) with fidelity evidence-based strategies found to be effective with students with ASD promotes the development and use of more pro-social behaviors. What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction? After completing the Eligibility Worksheet, the IEP Team must determine eligibility. Multi-tiered Support May 1, 2021 · When a student is determined to be eligible for services under IDEA, a team has decided that (a) there is enough evidence to indicate that the student has a disability as defined in one of the IDEA categories, and (b) the student requires special education in order to be successful (IDEA, 2004). , 2007). Dec 17, 2020 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 19, 2004 · through Direct Instruction programs — is key for optimal learning opportunities among students with special needs. By Dale Pennell, C. " all students Specially Designed Instruction – Students receiving special education support Universal Design for Learning –for all students Adjustments to: •Content •Product •Process •Environment Made to meet student’s need Adapting to the needs of an eligible child the: •Content •Methodology •Delivery of Instruction •The questionnaires and interviews of the student, parent and teacher may be useful in determining negative impact on functional performance. “(3) Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction— (i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)-Mathematics This Spotlight features resources, virtual professional learning opportunities, and family supports for the development and implementation of specially designed instruction (SDI) in mathematics. and implement SDI for students with disabilities who require IEP services. This customized instruction is informed by current student performance data benchmarked against grade level standards and research-based instruction and intervention. supports (MTSS) to provide high quality educational programming f or students with disabilities. 28. What evidence exists that the student requires specially designed instruction? AFTER COMPLETING WORKSHEET, IEP TEAM MUST DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY. This document serves as guidance for IEP teams, administrators, educators and practitioners as they determine the need for, plan, and implement Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities who require an Act of 1997 (IDEA) requires “specially designed” instruction for students with dis-abilities to meet their unique needs. for behavior specially designed instruction (SDI), with FBA/BIP resources listed on page 2. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at improving learning outcomes for Specially Designed Instruction: A Resource for Teachers 8. Specially Designed Instruction – Prong 3 . For teachers of students with When specially designed instruction is thoughtfully built into a student’s IEP and implemented effectively, the student will experience increased engagement and motivation because learning is designed uniquely for them. Students engage in self -advocacy and are involved in determining their own educational goals and plan. RESOURCES: PBIS Top Ten Tips and Resources. Specially Designed Instruction in IDEA 2004 . , 2008). Family Partnership. Generally, specially designed instruction differs from core instruction and interventions in the following ways: Specially designed instruction is defined and guaranteed by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and implemented in accordance with an individualized education program (IEP); Consensus: Specially-Designed Instruction (SDI) Where does SDI “fit” in a MLSS? SDI: Instruction that is evidence-based to reduce or eliminate the impact of a disability on student performance. This document provides multiple ways educators and practitioners as they determine the need for, plan, and implement specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with exceptionalities who require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). If a child has a disability but no need for unique specially designed instruction, Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide provides an overview of evidence-based instructional strategies that educators can utilize to support students with mathematics disability or difficulty at any grade. The Evidence-Based Specially Designed Instruction in Mathematics Resource Guide aligns with those efforts as it outlines effective supports for students with learning disabilities in mathematics and offers support to school divisions and parents seeking to improve outcomes in mathematics for students with disabilities. Specially designed instruction pertains to adapting con-tent, methodology, or delivery of instruction to meet students’ needs and to ensure their access in the general curriculum (34 CFR 300. In practical terms, specially designed instruction (SDI) is instruction that is tailored to a particular student. OVERVIEW A learner eligible for special education services in Iowa is entitled to Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) at no cost to the family, to meet his/her unique needs as a learner with a disability. VDOE compilation of evidence-based SDI guidance, FAQs, and strategies that educators can use to support students with mathematics disability or difficulty at any grade the student’s IEP requires Specially Designed Instruction that is standards-based and includes explicit instruction in all content areas on grade-level standards. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like special education, components of specially designed instruction, Ms. 2020 What is High Quality, Intentional Specially Designed Instruction? Specially designed instruction is defined by IDEA as adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique Specially Designed Instruction Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction— (i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and -Special education uses special areas and classrooms away from general education teachers and students. IDEAalso provides that special education includes more than "specially designed instruction. Specially designed instruction pertains to adapting content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to meet students’ needs and to ensure their access to the general curriculum [(34 CFR 300. Importantly, the strategies outlined in this document are targeted at improving learning outcomes for specially designed instruction. 13%) are instructed in the general education setting for more than 80% of the day. “specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability ” (34 CFR 300 39) This is a key point because it specifies that all special education is about ensuring that students with disabilities • Tier 2 - intervention provided to students in need of supplemental instruction • Tier 3 - intervention provided to students in need of intensive instruction • Instruction is tiered, students are not • There is no such thing as a Tier 3 student • All students receive instruction within this tiered system • There is not a 4. Under . There is an adverse educational impact 3. 39 “special education” means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Specially designed instruction is instruction in which the content, methodology, or delivery of the instruction is individually adapted to address the student’s disability-related needs requires specially designed instruction in order to benefit from his/her education program. There are many national technical assistance centers funded through the United States Department of Education (USDE) and Office of supports for specially designed instruction (SDI) in mathematics. The Council for Exceptional Children has resources about special education. without specially designed instruction? (Check Yes or No) • If Yes, the student does not need specially designed instruction. The implementation of the IEP in a rigorous Specially designed instruction means adapting the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction, as appropriate to the needs of a student with a disability to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards. Students with ASD, like all students, are unique individuals who Specially Designed Instruction Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child under this part, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction— (i) To address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and What is Specially Designed Instruction (SDI)? The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA 2004) requires schools and districts provide eligible students with disabilities with special education and related services through an Individual Education Program (IEP). Given the intra– and interindividual to effectively implement proven, evidence-based practices designed specifically for students with dyslexia. Through the implementation of . SDI should be designed intentionally to capitalize on a student’s strengths and provide 1. This includes adapting as appropriate to the needs of the individual learner, the Specially designed instruction means adapting the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction, as appropriate to the needs of a student with a disability to address the unique needs of the child that result from the child's disability; and to ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the educational standards. The student has an impairment 2. ffzlln pkvr kxub dpsej rsnlj uur jecxc mdcha fazo hpupc