Tkinter grid sticky not working e. W) So I have this problem with my tkinter script and nothing will properly resize. grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1) root. Below I edited your code to use place instead of grid. I'm using the grid layout but it won't I am trying to create a grid of buttons(in order to achieve the clickable cell effect) with Tkinter. Sticky values not applying or applying in an columnconfigure() or rowconfigure() functions are applied to the window or frame, of which the widget is a part of. The button is to the left of top_frame, but top_frame is only as wide as the button and is centered in Columnspan only handles the position of the button, not the actual size of the button. 7 (I know it's I'm using Tkinter and ttk in Python 2. @SeakyLone: that's not surprising. Update: N+S+E+W is not working for python3. Label1 shows that I need to use pady to displace Label1 by 10 pixels. Viewed # added padx and pady password_entry = Entry(width=21) Inside the frame last_row you have only one button. After that you might be getting: Exception AttributeError: "StringVar It's worth noting that grid was first introduced to Tk in 1996, several years after Tk became popular, and it took a while to catch on. there is no code that is calling that class. Hot Network Questions Adding zeros to the right or left of a comma you use grid with wrong widget. 6. im tryinng to make a tic tac toe game and i cant set up the frames. grid_rowconfigure() and . i tried using the root. For the same reason, you should remove the But after you do grid_forget() you call zcgaPanel() again, so you do the placement all over again. grid() method doesn't seem to wanna work. I want the sidebar (section) to be sticky while the page scrolls. e. Scrollbar on a tk. Follow answered im trying to change the grid's column weight and just cant do it. from tkinter import * window = Tk() window. Python Tkinter Grid; Python Tkinter Grid Example; Python Tkinter python tkinter: grid sticky not working when multiple frames. Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Tkinter grid geometry manager to position widgets on a window. fixing code make frames display in desired location. grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2) resulting in . But I can not easily place the widgets wherever i want. 6: Grid sticky option not working. Python version 2. It seems you are first positioning the label with grid, but then overriding that position with pack. Test using the default Label and everything is ok labelNome = Label(frame, text="Nome", font=("Arial", "12")) labelNome. The help window I'm Here is an easy way to do it: First design your gui on paper or using any tool that works for you; Use grid layout manager; Wherever you want to create empty space, use columnspan or You need to add a_frame. fontProceed. grid_columnconfigure() with non-zero weight arguments. Why? # Import module from tkinter As a rule of thumb, every time you use grid you should give at least one row and one column a weight in the containing widget. title("tkinter stuff") photo1 = Use sticky="nsew" or "ew" to get the entry to fill all of the space. The term that describes this feature is geometry I am trying to create a UI with two different screens that the user can change between using a button at the top of the screen. That is the same as setting it to row=0 because all other rows and columns are empty anyway. If you want to put space between your widgets use the padx and pady options in python 3. Included a function that handles scroll events, but this I'm trying to make a simple search listbox which will have quite a few variables in it therefore making it necessary to have a 'clear selected' function. tkinter canvas in grid has extra space. import tkinter as tk self. pack() I have done a few changes here & there. Hot Network Questions What are the use cases and challenges for a cubesat that would take pictures of tkinter grid manager not working, columns. self. When I put button. But when I load the Treeview with a line that . for some reason regular statements like "state = I'm simply trying to change to "clam" style but nothing changes. To ensure the button rescales to the entirety of the columns assigned add sticky='ew' self. grid(row, column, sticky="W"), the text does not get aligned to the You are setting an explicit size for the labels and to have them change size with the tab you have to specify sticky='nsew'. grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) The next problem is that you're putting widgets in the You are not defining the width of your label so tkinter sets the width of Label equal to the width of the text. 1 Tkinter in Python 3. The upper left corner cell has a row index of 0 and a column Python / Tkinter grid sticky not filling vertical space. g. Add a Material The problem was in the last line of the method showCriticalError: self. the position: sticky works I have a problem using a horizontal tk. 0 Python 'grid()' ignores row/column/sticky options. Improve this answer. . so I assume there are some basics that I don't understand. grid behave like this? 2. grid(). Here is an alternative The justify option only comes into play when the text wraps to multiple lines. I have placed the button in row 0 and the Tkinter in Python 3. configure the row and/or column to have a positive weight so that extra space is allocated to the row or column, and; use the frame_buttons will be resized when items are added to it, so you need to update the scrollregion of the canvas in this case via bind('<Configure>', ). Tkinter in Python 3. Most likely both. All my widgets are using the grid geometry system. Whenever I resize the main window the entry and button widgets do not Roughly speaking, to get a widget to fill all available space when using grid requires two steps:. There is one frame at the top with the title of python tkinter: grid sticky not working when multiple frames. The problem is that your frame will by default set its size to the smallest possible size to fit the labels. E) I'm trying to use tkinter but this code doesn't work and I'm wondering if anyone knows why thanks. columnconfigure(0, weight=1), it affects the children that are added to the menu, not the menu in the root window. The button widget seems to not properly apply the sticky attribute when using the grid manager if the text of the button is empty, i. It is displayed too small for the region it is supposed to scroll - if I move it to the left, it reaches the end of the I have no idea why, I've copied code in from other programs that works perfectly fine but just doesn't here. There are several things that appear wrong in the code. tkinter: You have to do two things to get a scrollbar to work: you must configure the command option of the scrollbar to call the set method of the widget to be scrolled; you must get function not working when grid function is used in Tkinter [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 10 years ago. grid(row=1, column=0, padx=20, pady=10, sticky='w') The resizing behavior of the grid rows and columns is not set up to distribute the extra space when you expand the window. 1. Also it is better to call Column span not working properly in Tkinter. In line 28: Change this: I want the input to be somewhere in the bottom of the screen but when I am using the grid method the position on the input is not changing. Button in new Frame so self. CTk() app. The documented behavior of grid_propagate is to set whether or not the size of a widget is controlled by its children. Hot Network Questions Is there just one Zero? I made it all work for you. Tkinter both 'sticky' and 'rowconfigure' did not fill the When you place a button inside of top_frame, it will shrink to fit the button. clear() this line was returning the Entry to normal state. python Tkinter grid method not working as I'm having problem with adjusting the width of the label to reflect current width of the window. To that end, I create a main Frame and then I raise the frame I need in each moment. grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") Share. grid method; the text boxes still end up in the same place?? No. Here's the main stuff: b0 = Button(master, text = "Button 0") b1 = Button(master, text = "Button 1") b2 = Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I have created two py files, one holds login GUI, the other contains the whole bunch of functions and windows which I call terminal. I assumed that frames contain their own 'grid space' (row, column) but the behavior I see doesn't bear that out, and I'm at a I've been searching different websites trying to find out what weight does in tkinter. I have a more expansive UI written with other widgets, so I know that nothing changes when I try to change I just started to work with tkinter and I'm still trying to get used to how it works. By default, both pack and grid shrink or grow a widget to fit its contents, which is what you want 99. Tkinter organizing issues fixed resolution. The first problem is that, as written in the question, it doesn't run at all. grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self. After that, I I've tried adding extra arguments like ipadx and ipady in but it doesn't work: adminFrame. - I don't know what you are trying to do. I have tried column and row weights but they I'm kind of stuck with this problem. As I stated in the question, I am working through online tutorials to learn how to make a GUI with Tkinter. Elcin Guseynov Elcin Guseynov. grid(in_=frame, row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") This will cause the edges of Working with checkboxes in tkinter (pygubu) Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. When you resize the window, all of the extra space goes unused unless you tell grid Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; The link to your " testable version" is still not testable. grid to be called one second in the future. grid(sticky=Tkinter. command= When using grid() in a Frame, it's mandatory to specify Frame. in code , illustration below, To change this default behavior, you can use the sticky option. lab_1. The sticky parameter does not work. You do not need to Rows and columns have "weight" which describes how they grow or shrink to fill extra space in the master. Hot Network Questions Why the recent trend to not indicate deadlines anymore in reviewer invitation letters? While extending the code based on this awesome Bryan Oakley's answer (btw his code works great, it's just me the one that can't make the padding work) I've found that the The columnconfigure() method configures the column index of a grid. Grid geometry manager will by default try to optimize the screen real estate used by your Python Tkinter Grid Not Working; Python Tkinter Grid Expand; Python Tkinter Grid Fill; Table of Contents. Tkinter The variable lb4 could not be shown on the tkinter window even though I have used pack() method. You need to use the anchor option if you want the text to be at the left edge of the widget. They won't. you can fix it by using grid_columnconfigure() to set the weight of any The height of your scrollbar didn't match the buttons frame height because you did't tell it to stick North and South . grid(sticky=SE), for example, the button is not being put in the bottom-right and is just being put in Thanks Kevin! You were right, all I needed to change to make it start resizing with the window was add in sticky='nsew' as an argument to self. After that Second: you have to resize Frame (self) so Below is a code to show the issue. Why does . 2), and I'm having some problem using the grid manager. button. I would like to put the lb4 widget below lb2 and I had tried using anchor='sw' still not showing so any possible methods to I've looked at other examples of this on here but can't find one that makes this work. Your Entry widget occupies a large horizontal space in the second Try position:"fixed" if position:"sticky" is not working. But i am having an issue when using the . grid () to put the widgets inside a frame sticky option doing nothing and all the widgets always stick to the left side. grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW, ipadx=200, ipady=20) Python3 Tkinter Grid not expanding to entire frame. The sticky option specifies which edge of the cell the widget should stick to. grid(row=1, My first step was just to setup everything and see it working. Also, your textvariable is the same for all Entrys, so the same thing will show up in each Entry box I've also had a lot of problems with tkinter grid and prefer to use tkinter place. Tkinter Grid Weirdness. By default a row or column has a weight of zero, which means you've told the label The master_frame is filled with about 36 widgets placed using the grid geometry manager and reaches a vertical height of about 2000 pixels, but the scrollbar doesn't work. grid(, sticky='ns'). For example, when I I think it may be working but you have not expanded the borderwidth so you can not see it. You set this button on row=5. So I removed this line and changed the top. The horizontal and vertical scrollbars are created. Then, the scrolling behavior you want to achieve The Grid geometry manager puts the widgets in a 2-dimensional table. To answer the last part of your question: if you hide the frame, everything Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. There is possibly more than one way to perform the layout you want, I choose to present a clean one. stuff inside frame in . Try Teams for free Explore Teams. Share. Tkinter is Python's de-facto standard GUI (Graphical User Interface) package. I have this code: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #Create Window main = Tk() main. pack() is enabled but if I change Is it possible to have sticky=W by default for grid positionning in tkinter ? Label(master, text="First"). Otherwise, nothing would show Update : I made a mock "add_data()" function to provide a functional GUI to point out the bug ; it simply concatenates the columns of two input csv files and returns the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, The above will not freeze your GUI, and will cause mainframe. geometry('200x200') i tried using sticky='s' that didnt work i tried changing the rows multiple times didnt work. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. Try: Grid sticky option not The sticky parameter does not work. Tkinter window resizing does not work even with sticky() and columnconfigure() - rasberry pi running rasbian. For example, a column with a weight of 2 will be twice as wide I have created a Treeview widget to be filled later, with file names and paths. Why In Python GUI Tkinder Grid system is not working properly for me? 0. Here is what i have so far: Grid geometry manager . I am trying to build an application with several pages. Grid is not working as expected python Tkinter. Since empty columns don't python tkinter: grid sticky not working when multiple frames. grid(row=0, sticky=W) Label(master, text="Second"). create_window((0, 0), window=frame3s, ); set the width of frame3s to the This is the result of my code GUI Result. In this example the grid geometry manager is used to set the position and padding of the widget. rowconfigure(100,weight=1) this worked kind of but messes with For example, the first thing you should do is start by creating your top-most frames, and get them to fill and expand/shrink properly before putting any widgets in them. Viewed 1k times 1 . Once created properly, use grid to place them row/column-wise. I don't understand why as I've worked with these When you . The first thing (that you already did) is using a StringVar(). I am using grid() to place widgets in a tkinter window. after(7000, it's because the columns between the widgets don't have anything in them so they don't take up space. The master widget is split into a number of rows and columns, and each “cell” in the resulting table can hold a widget. For this I've created a 'Clear' Since the grid manager doesn't know how many rows and columns there are to be on the main window, it doesn't allot the frames with the defined height and width. I got 2 problems here. grid() method isn't working. When grid @Bryan's sticky solution is fine but it only solves part of the case, since the separator will not cover the entire horizontal width (that you asked). 0. find answers and collaborate at work with Stack You need to add the sticky attribute when calling the grid function on the canvas widgets: canv1. grid(row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, padx = 10, sticky = tk. grid(row I have this code, which should work, but for some reason actionFrame and infoFrame are put underneath each other from tkinter import * root = Tk() root. I lost interest in fighting with your code/method so, I completely rewrote the code from scratch and devised a different method. pack() but does not working with . I got this from TkDocs:. 2. pack excels in layouts like this, where your gui is aligned top-to-bottom and/or left-to-right. Label(, anchor="w") Gentleman's the following code have been working with . Why does ipady not Among Tkinter’s geometry managers, the grid() manager stands out for its ability to create structured and organized layouts using rows and columns. Using the grid geometry manager works like a matrix, with rows and columns. Text widget. Label2 shows the default effect of ipady. 2. 535 4 4 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. It is highly recommended to always use the gridgeometry No matter what values I type in the in the row or column on the . All you need to do is replace the last Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I had problems with tk pack system and i changed whole system to tkinter grid packer. The sticky attribute will only position and stretch python tkinter: grid sticky not working when multiple frames. anchor refers to the anchor point of the The way second image works is that it first crops as much space needed for the Label, and then puts it to the east of the first column. You put every ttk. The grid manager is the most When you call menu. grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) frame. Modified 4 years, 9 months ago. Try this to see the pronounced effect: import tkinter from tkinter import Message from I would like to centre align all my widgets inside a window created by Tkinter. I'm using Python 3, and for some reason the sticky option of the . When the window size changes I'd like label to fill the rest of the width that is left after Python Tkinter grid-geometry sticky setting not effective(?) 3. When I run the code below, I get an error that says: unknown option "-sticky" When using . grid(row=1, When creating a calculator GUI in Tkinter, the sticky attribute may not work as expected, causing the buttons to not fill the grid cells properly. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. app = ctk. grid() function. Viewed 11k times 1 . 9% of the time. Apply it on on its I have been working in python for the first time and basically I am trying to get these to labels to align in the correct columns and the correct row but for some reason it doesn't move down rows and the columns are not correct either. 8K subscribers in the Tkinter community. Introduction to the Tkinter grid geometry manager. 11 to create a GUI, which is basically a converter for datasets. Button in this I'm currently working on an application on Tkinter, and I want one of my grid widgets to be sticky in all the directions except North? So far, this is the code that I've put in, The sticky attribute applies to the cell that the widget is in, rather than to the whole grid or whole window. The key to doing layout is to be methodical, and to use the right tool for the job. Here you are applying it on the button itself. I'm trying to do the following: To make a So i've been working at this very simple chatprogram, but no matter what I do I just cant seem to get it to work properly. grid your buttons, use sticky=N+S+E+W. 7. grid(sticky = First: if you use Frame to create class then you should use this frame (self) as parent for widgets (instead of using root). Modified 9 years, 7 months closeButton. The way that event-driven programming like this works is that you start by The root of the problem is that you're using grid in the Toplevel, but you haven't told grid what to do with extra space. This can result in an Use sticky="nsew" or "ew" to get the entry to fill all of the space. Every column and row has a "weight" grid option associated with it, which tells it how It works perfectly fine on an empty frame so I'm guessing it does not work with a frame with children, is this correct ? How can I do it anyway ? Or at least introduce separation The grid Geometry Manager. Modified 2 years, 7 months ago. grid creates new grid in every Frame - and because there is only one ttk. sticky does not work in a frame in Tkinter. Also, your textvariable is the same for all Entrys, so the same thing will show up in each Entry box The grid_columnconfigure is working fine. So, the widget is anchored to the nw corner of its cell, it's just that you When I use . Ask Question Asked 2 years, 1 month ago. As a rule of thumb, you should always call rowconfigure My gui layout. With justify you should occupy the first Just add the sticky option of the grid geometry manager to the following line. I'm trying to design sidebar which should looke like most of Google's sidebar menu (like in Inbox or Play Music, browser version, for example). Do not use grid and pack layout managers together!. columnconfigure((0,1), weight=1) to make b_frame (in column 0) and c_frame (in column 1) to share the horizontal space of a_frame equally:. title("TNT I am having a problem with either Tkinter's GRID geometry manager or custom classes or both. i want to make 9 frames for each block on the screen, that Here is a working example of a frame, containing a canvas, containing an "inner_frame" holding a grid of labels. text = ''. then I put 2 widget in it with grid() method. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. geometry(str(1280) + 'x' + i'm using tkinter write card game, , i'm having trouble grid layout manager 'sticky' configuration. Python / Tkinter grid sticky not filling vertical Tkinter checkbutton. Remove the line usrCrd. I So I have come across something I defiantly cant figure out and need help. The grid() 2. To make Every time I use the sticky parameter in the grid function, it never attaches my label to the right of my screen, instead it just pushes it to the right of a smaller box? To fix problem. I have 2 buttons that both send you to the next frame and they work just fine but when I resize the Tkinter grid not working. grid() the treeview has Scrollbar working when . looks almost nothing like what I expect. 7 Tkinter Grid Layout Manager not working as imagined. Follow answered May 28, 2021 at 12:17. Your question mentioned grid, but in this case you could save a few lines of code by using pack. That means using grid when laying things out in a grid, and using pack when laying things out top-to I want to align dynamically created Tkinter Checkbuttons to left while having widgets added by grid with sticky="EW" at the same time. You have to provide a minimal example of your code that's not working, otherwise it's not possible to detect This Python tkinter tutorial explains, how to use python tkinter grid, Python Tkinter Grid Function, Python Tkinter Grid Example, spacing, padding, expand, fill method etc. select() not working on Checkbutton (Python 3) Ask Question text="Autodetect", var=should_auto, onvalue = True, offvalue = False, I'm trying to write a simple ui with Tkinter in python and I cannot get the widgets within a grid to resize. First one, In my code at Line 10, I create a Frame widget with bg="#ffde00" (Similar to yellow). My main problem is that I cannot make the grid and the buttons autoresize and fit the parent window. Modified 8 years, 11 months ago. It also means that sometimes you need to be creative. I am trying to put a label on the horizontal center of a window and have it stay there, even if the window is resized. The weight determines how wide the column will occupy, which is relative to other columns. Viewed 2k times sticky=W) var2 = IntVar() Checkbutton(master, text="female", variable=var2). This will allow the buttons to expand with their respective row and column sizes. grid(sticky = N+E+S+W) root. If you want the menu frame to fill the If you want to expand the columns to fit the canvas width, you need to: save the item ID of canvas. I was trying to prepare some sort of grid menu with 4 sections. Grid's anchor & sticky don't work, Pack's fill & side don't work. These two attributes work together to make something self. Q&A for work. Modified 9 years, 10 months ago. How are you creating the object instance of Autocomplete(). Ask Question Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. Teams. Before that, developers had always used pack to do constraint-based geometry management. 7 it is neswor any combination of tkinter grid not working correctly. when I try to make a window using I just learned how to use tkinter in Python (3. Then you row- and columnconfigure tabControl when I came across this page while searching for a solution to this problem: Odd interaction between grid_propagate and columnspan This behavior seems like an oversight in tkinter in my opinion, but setting the width and By default, the grid geometry manage only uses as much space as it needs, and no more. You've done that for the root widget but you Python 2. The grid geometry manager uses the concepts of rows By default, empty grid column are zero width, so you described the following table. This part is working without a problem. Tkinter grid manager. 5 grid sticky/weight not working. You didn't give self a size, and you say that you don't want the labels You must define the command attribute to the scrollbar, and you must supply the yscrollcommand attribute to the listbox. Thats why your labels do not occupy entire width of the cell. To see the difference you need to give tkinter a reason to not fit the cell exactly around your widget, which it will always do by default if possible. read() to read a text file and then I assign the text to a Tkinter label and pack it into a window using . 2 Tkinter both 'sticky' and Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about First, the columns / row adapt to there content so an empty one as a zero height/width. even when I set the sticky in myText.