Netherlands vat number. Then you will be involved with the Dutch VAT regulations.

Netherlands vat number. The Dutch VAT Law is based on the European VAT Directive.

Netherlands vat number ES; IT; NL +34 986 955 144; VATify Login; Contact; The Netherlands has opted for the reduced on a number of items allowed by the VAT Directive. The Dutch VAT Law is based on the European VAT Directive. Neele-Vat is happy to help you with the application, so that your import and export processes run smoothly. There are some exceptions. ) by non-established suppliers to customers with a Dutch VAT number. VAT Rates in Netherlands. VAT in the Netherlands – How to Obtain a Dutch VAT Number? VAT Registration. In the case of the Netherlands, it consists of 9 digits and the prefix NL. Do you purchase goods or services in the Netherlands? Then you will receive an invoice from your supplier. Dutch company formation. VAT number Germany: difference between Steuernummer and VAT ID numbers (USt-IdNr) What is a VAT number and how can I get one? Alternative ways. It is also quite evident that Dutch tax authorities in Netherlands are concerned about the protection of privacy of entrepreneurs as in 2020 all Dutch private individual businesses were issued a new 🇳🇱 VAT ID for Netherlands. With a Dutch VAT number, you can The so called ‘Private VAT number’ is composed of your personal BSN number and is solely used for communication with the Dutch tax office (you are not meant to share this number). The popular name of the tax is belasting over de toegevoegde waarde, abbreviated as BTW or btw. Dutch VAT number is also referred to as BTW number and is issued by Tax and Customs Administration, which is also in charge of VAT registrations. i live in the Netherlands and want to drop ship within the us. Additionally, there is a specific reverse charge on supplies of goods made through distribution systems (gas, heat, electricity, etc. Apply in time to avoid problems For individuals or entities with an active Dutch intra-Community VAT number who have reported an amount in VAT grid 3b on their Dutch VAT return, filing the ICP Opgaaf is obligatory. Value Added Tax recovery time in Netherlands is 4 months. You can read further details here about VAT relating to services and VAT relating to the purchase and sale of goods. You will receive 2 VAT numbers: a VAT identification number (btw-id) and a VAT tax number (omzetbelastingnummer). Select the “Small Business Regime” option. In contrast, a community VAT number may not allow you to carry out a domestic B2B transaction in the same country that issued the number, such as Croatia. It must be submitted in alignment with the A Dutch VAT number starts with NL, then comes 9 digits, the letter B, and then another 2 digits. It also requires a VAT number if you intend to store goods in the country. It’s a consumer (customer) tax on sales for most goods and services in the European Union (EU). The Resident VAT number. The Belgian firm of painters is liable to Dutch VAT: they must register with the Dutch tax authorities and file a VAT return in the Netherlands. The previously issued Dutch VAT number will become invalid from 1st January 2020. In contrast to the fiscal unity for Income Tax, a VAT group can thus be formed without approval of – or even informing – the Dutch Tax Authorities. When products are sold, businesses remit the tax to the Tax and Customs Administration. In the Netherlands, it includes 9 digits and the prefix NL. Read more Immovable property. NL123456789B12 "NL" and 9 EUROPA - VAT Information Exchange System (VIES): how to use it. com Signify Holding B. In this blog, we tell you what you need to consider when you want to terminate your business in the Netherlands. The Enigma of VAT. Submit. Netherlands Tax Number Format; TIN Local Name: Btw-identificatie-nummer (VAT number - belasting over The VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) is an electronic database used to transmit the VAT registration information for companies registered in the European Union. This is followed by the nine-digit Dutch tax number of the economic operator. There is extensive policy about the qualification of leases, and special rules can apply to specific situations. If you want to check your own, or more likely, the VAT number of a company you intend to do business with, you can do so with just a few clicks. This is because you do not charge VAT to customers or file VAT returns. Your VAT number is composed by your business’ RSIN/fiscal number or BSN number, 3 additional positions (B01 up to B99) and the letter B, for example: 111223344B05. Your Dutch VAT number will be stated by the local tax authorities on the forms and letters they send you. So the result is like this: NL123456789B01. VAT registrations and simplications in the Netherlands Vat Number in The Netherlands. Importing goods into the EU requires a unique EORI number. How to Register for VAT in the Netherlands. Onze diepgaande BTW kennis, samen met onze geavanceerde API-oplossing Mytaxflow voor BTW rapportages, zorgen ervoor dat uw BTW rapporten altijd nauwkeurig en tijdig zijn, zodat u volledig BTW compliant bent. It’s also known as VAT identification number or VAT ID. A The Netherlands has a simple VAT rate structure with only a standard VAT rate and one reduced VAT rate. The previously issued Dutch VAT number will become invalid from 1st January 2020. Apply for a Netherlands VAT Number To set up a company or business in the Netherlands, you must have it registered with the Dutch Business Register A company that is registered in the Netherlands can obtain either a Resident or Non-Resident VAT number. The Netherlands is assigned the ISO code NL. The format of a VAT number is NL12345676789B01 (country)(VAT number), for example : AT-Austria BE-Belgium NL-Netherlands. Limited Article 23 Import License • Supplier VAT number • Supplier remit-to information must have SWIFT for USD and IBAN for EUR, Bank name, address, and account Signify Netherlands B. e. If this is the case, the Dutch Tax Authorities will Compliance with Dutch VAT specifications is crucial for businesses to prevent any legal or financial complications. Here is a list of valid number formats: Type Number format Description; Btw-nr. Zodra uw bedrijf geregistreerd is voor de BTW, moet u ervoor zorgen dat het voldoet aan de lokale BTW aangifteverplichtingen. Instead of obtaining a VAT number after the new BV has been registered with the dutch chamber of commerce, the tax authorities would like to know more information about it. It is almost identical to the Value Added Tax number but lacks the country code. Explore VAT registration rules, penalties, and digital reporting requirements for local businesses. In some of the forms, the authorities will use your general tax number. Foreign citizens and businesses, as well as local citizens who apply for a VAT number with the Dutch authorities, must display this number on every invoice they provide What is a VAT number? A VAT number is an identification number for freelancers, self-employed professionals, companies and organisations. Looks beyond borders: In addition to the validation of a Dutch VAT number, Validata can also check an international VAT number. Use this number for all VAT-related transactions and reporting. From 1st January 2020, this new VAT number must be used for Intra-Community transactions. Alibaba (Netherlands) B. Fines Free and open company data on Netherlands company TBAuctions Netherlands B. Specifications, VAT registration and number check Dutch VAT number consists of the country code 'NL', 9 digits (taxable person’s business number – RSIN), the letter 'B', and 2-digit verification number. VAT Tax in the Netherlands – Declarations. Information about VAT, including registration, filing returns, and fraud prevention for businesses in the Netherlands. With this purchase, X performs an intra-Community acquisition The Dutch government charges value added tax (VAT) on all goods and services. or anywhere in the EU for that matter, is that you must be registered with an EU VAT number. How and When to Submit Them? The VAT number is derived from this number, namely with the addition NL and B01 at the end. can somebody make this clear for me? i In the Netherlands, nearly all freelancers and self-employed professionals (called zzp'ers in Dutch) have to pay VAT and income tax. Each VAT number is unique and is composed as follows: Country code (NL) 9 digits; The letter ‘B’ 2 check digits If you purchase goods or services in the Netherlands then you will receive an invoice from your supplier. Often, the entire process of acquiring a Netherlands VAT number can be cumbersome and a long drawn out, time taking process for any business, especially when time is a constraint. The VAT rate charged (usually 21%). The standard Dutch VAT rate is 21% and the reduced rate is 9%. Any company that produces taxable supplies in the Netherlands needs to register for a VAT number. The total invoice amount including VAT. VAT registration in the Netherlands is mandatory for businesses selling goods or services subject to VAT. Apply in time to avoid problems with your business schedule or the Dutch authorities. The Foreign businesses are required to register for VAT in The Netherlands in the following situations: Supply of goods and services placed in The Netherlands Once a business is registered for VAT, they are assigned a VAT identification number and are required to charge VAT on their taxable goods or services. The EORI number in the Netherlands contains the following: the country code (NL for Netherlands) and the unique code created for each Dutch company, which is represented by the fiscal number of the company. B. Rate: Rate Type: Description: 21%: Standard Rate: Applies to most goods and services: 9%: Reduced Rate: Food, medicines, If a company is not established in the Netherlands and is providing ‘taxable supplies’ of goods or services in the Netherlands, it may have to obtain a non-resident VAT Number. See our Dutch VAT guide for more details. Find out how to use the VIES system to validate your clients' VAT numbers from other EU countries. The Tax Administration of the Netherlands is continuously improving the systems to be able to send e-mails in a secure way and to combat phishing. . 678. For example: NL000099898B57. If you're looking to verify the validity of a VAT number or tax identification number, it's important to use official resources to ensure accuracy. MAINFREIGHT SRL: RO2698644: MAINFREIGHT UK LTD: GB239255003: How does the format of an Dutch VAT registration number look like? Name: BTW-identificatienummer: Country Code: NL: Format: NL + 12 digits: Example: NL123456789B01: If you want to avoid fines for late VAT registrations or VAT payments in the Netherlands, you should make sure you’re registering for a VAT ID or the OSS program in time. From Europe to Asia, the Americas to Africa, this list covers countries from every continent. For example, the second quarter VAT return of 2022 of an established Dutch company must be Companies conducting business with or from the Netherlands are, in most cases, liable for Dutch VAT. It consists of the prefix NL and 12 characters (9 numbers + 3 letters). But not all companies that are incorporated in the Netherlands are required to apply for a VAT number. In addition to VIES, other methods for looking up VAT numbers include: National databases: some EU member states provide national databases where you can look up and verify VAT numbers (like the KvK trade register in the Netherlands, for example). Skip to content. Please note that we have to charge VAT on all invoices in the Netherlands because that's where WeTransfer is located. BE123456789: Belgium tax authority: Service Public Fédéral Finances (Ministry of Finance, Belgium) A new owner means a new number. i don't really understand if i need a Dutch vat number or not? the products are shipped from us or Canada and only ship within us. The Dutch Tax Authorities will then decide whether to grant the new BV its Netherlands VAT number immediately or not. The good news is that VAT registration is pretty simple! This VAT number registers you in the EU tax system as a How to apply for a Dutch VAT number. , registered with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) under number 65271505, is located at Herengracht 448 in Amsterdam (postal code 1017 CA). VAT was introduced with effect from1 January 1969. If your read or pass the annual delivery threshold the limit of 1,140,000 CZK (ca. These include your business name, address, VAT number, and your customer’s name and address. Explore challenges businesses face Dutch residents typically obtain a VAT number within 14 days of registering with KVK via a letter from the Tax and Customs Administration. A non-Dutch resident taxable person may use the services of only one general fiscal representative in the Netherlands and only after registering itself for Dutch VAT purposes (i. EORI number format in the Netherlands. On this page of the KVK, you can dissolve your company. The main, general Dutch VAT rate is 21% and this has been so since 2012. From 1 January 2025, the VAT rate will increase for the supply of certain agricultural goods: from 9% to 21% VAT. Depending on the legal structure you choose, you pay income tax or vennootschapsbelasting (corporate income tax). They must also submit regular VAT For example, if you buy goods in the Netherlands or if you export goods out of the Netherlands. The VAT number is required for companies that engage in B2B transactions and is used as proof of Numru ta’ l-identifikazzjoni tat-taxxa fuq il-valur miśjud; value added tax identification number Netherlands: NL: BTW – identificatienummer Poland: PL: The Netherlands, like other European Union (EU) member countries, follows the EU VAT Directive on value added tax (VAT) compliance. Thirteen regional offices of the Belastingdienst (tax authorities) are responsible for the administration of VAT as • Your full legal Name, Address, VAT Number and contact details of your finance team for us to communicate in case of any queries. can somebody make this clear for me? i VAT Number format NL 123456789B01 VAT return periods Monthly or quarterly, depending on the VAT liability Recovery of VAT by non established Businesses Yes. The Netherlands VAT number. Non-resident companies in the Netherlands may have to file a VAT return and must register for VAT purposes. It has declared SIC or NACE codes as "70222 - Advisering op het gebied van management en bedrijfsvoering (geen public relations en organisatie- adviesbureaus)". 1. You can check VAT IDs for entrepreneurs in the Netherlands and What does a VAT number look like? NL 1234. Complete information about VAT in the Netherlands and Ducht tax rates: statute of limitations, deductions. Since the European unification in 1992 and the establishment of the free movement of persons and goods within the single market, foreign companies can appoint a fiscal representative in the Netherlands or register for VAT purposes in the Netherlands without having a local establishment. There are two types of Import License in the Netherlands. This invoice must comply with a number of requirements. 303. Format: 123456789B01 or 123456789B02. The first ever VAT number issued to your business ends with B01. If you are a foreign entrepreneur who is involved with Dutch VAT then in many cases you are required to register with the Dutch Tax Administration for which you use the form 'Registration form Foreign companies'. For sole-proprietors, VAT numbers not only fulfill a legal requirement but also open doors to operate in the Dutch market with customers and partners who rely on standardized VAT For an import of goods into the United Kingdom, VAT treatment in the United Kingdom is different depending on whether the value of the consignment is more or less than GBP 135: Value less than GBP 135 . After submitting the appropriate documents, the company receives a Dutch VAT number. We still recommend filling in your company details for the A local VAT number may not allow you to carry out an intra-community B2B transaction. This includes your VAT matters, such as canceling your Dutch VAT number. What do you use a KVK number for? By law, all Dutch companies have to register in the Business Register. There is no NL in front of it, as with the The Netherlands has a small business scheme under which Netherlands-based businesses whose turnover does not exceed EUR 25,000 in a year are exempted from issuing invoices and filing VAT returns. Find out which goods or services are liable to VAT, when to register and how to pay VAT. You can deduct this VAT as input tax on the same tax return under section 5b. Businesses intending to engage in taxable supplies within the Netherlands must register for VAT. A non-Dutch taxable person may use the services of only one general fiscal representative. VAT guide for the Netherlands VAT guide for Czech Republic Discover more. Detailed guide on Netherlands VAT and thresholds for your digital business. If that applies to your business activities, you will not get a VAT ID or VAT tax number. 21% VAT on certain agricultural goods. And the so called ‘Public VAT number’ is used for the invoices that When you are doing business from The Netherlands with another (EU) country, the invoice has to meet subsequent requirements on top of the already mentioned requirements. Note: All Dutch private individual entrepreneurs have two Dutch VAT numbers: The VAT number is for contact with the Dutch tax authorities only (cannot be verified in VIES) The VAT identification number is for business transactions (can be verified in VIES) VAT Number Format NL followed by 9 digits and a 3-character suffix (e. It is used for all transactions with suppliers and The format of VAT ID in Netherlands is as follows: Country code: NL; 9 digits; Letter B; 2 digits, commonly referred to as 'subnumber' The VAT number, consisting of 14 digits, includes the btw-id. Businesses add VAT to the selling price to give the price the consumer actually pays. An example of a Dutch VAT ID is 'NL999999999B99'. There are a number of changes to the Dutch VAT regime from 1 January 2025. Share on LinkedIn: Companies with similar names. • Invoice number / applicable reference number, Invoice issue date, Tax The Netherlands Billed Accenture Legal Entity VAT number Accenture Minority I B. The amount of VAT charged on the invoice can differ, depending on the tax rules in your country. The following are some usual examples of taxable transactions: What does the VAT number look like? Do you have a sole proprietorship? Then your citizen service number (BSN) is the first part of the VAT tax number. The resident VAT number requires a company to fulfill several substance requirements before it can be considered a ‘resident’ company. Herengracht 448 1017 CA Amsterdam. The VAT tax number of other legal structures is the same as the RSIN. The VAT ID in the Netherlands follows the format 'NL' plus 9 digits plus 'B' plus 2 digits. In the situation in which the company’s fiscal code is composed of less than 9 numbers, the EORI number will Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N. Your KVK number is your unique entrepreneur ID. If your invoice's total amount does not exceed €100 (VAT included), or if it is an invoice to rectify a previously send one, the requirements are less strict (in Dutch). As permitted in the EU VAT Directive, the Netherlands has opted to apply the reduced VAT rate to a number of goods and services. The measure aimed to simplify VAT collecting procedures as well as prevent tax evasion and is for VAT deductions VAT administration. Hello, is there anyone who can help me with the dillema? I have my account for UE activated and everything but I don't have VAT number yet, I applied for it recently but it takes 2-4 weeks for me to get it, is it possible to start taking orders and just letting those money be in uber app and filling individual, VAT is not transferred to the customer. –A British pop group performs at a concert held in the Netherlands and organised by i live in the Netherlands and want to drop ship within the us. This number, assigned by EU customs, is needed for all customs declarations. To comply with Dutch VAT regulations, your invoices must include details. All EU member states have a fixed format for their VAT numbers. As a general rule, a foreign business must register for VAT in The Netherlands as soon as a taxable supply is made. VAT in Netherlands. Forming a VAT group. Essence of VAT; VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a consumption tax levied on goods and services. Each of the European Union member countries has a defined format for its VAT number. You need this number in order to file a VAT return in the Netherlands. nl0z@signify. (company number 34373620), Overschiestraat 59, Amsterdam, 1062XD Dutch VAT Rate Raised from 1 January 2025 for certain agricultural goods and services. 01 As a foreign entrepreneur, you can use this form to apply for a Dutch VAT identification number. The tenth character is always the letter B, and the twelfth and thirteenth are numbers from 01 to 99. X receives an invoice with 0% VAT from Germany. In case your Dutch business does not expect any local presence or operations in the first years of Learn about the Dutch VAT zero-rate application dispute for non-resident alcohol wholesalers. However, this number must be activated, and we can perform this process for you. 62. NL8063. What is the Dutch VAT rate? VAT (Value Added Tax) in the Netherlands is known as Belasting op de Toegevoegde Waarde (BTW). A VAT number in the Netherlands is mandatory if your sales exceed the threshold limit of 100,000 EUR, if you want to store goods in the Netherlands or for intra-community shipments. We arrange your Dutch VAT number and VAT declarations, without an article 23 permit. Process of VAT number registration is maintained by the Dutch Revenue. Reasons to register for a VAT Number in Czechia. , NL123456789B01) Voluntary Registration Yes, available under Dutch VAT Act for businesses not meeting the threshold. This comprehensive list provides the names of countries and their corresponding VAT (Value Added Tax) names or Tax ID names. Once your company has obtained a VAT number or started its business in The Netherlands, it should consider For example, if you do not have to charge VAT to your customers (you are exempt from VAT) or if you take part in the small businesses scheme (KOR). Your VAT number shows customers and suppliers that you are a VAT-registered entrepreneur. VAT return due dates in The Netherlands. These subsequent requirements are: The VAT number of the foreign company; VAT. When this Taiwan company Rend a warehouse in Amsterdam, they export goods from Taiwan to the bonded warehouse. Whether you're a business owner, accountant, or traveler, this resource will be helpful for understanding VAT and tax systems around the world. Get VAT news in Netherlands. An example of a VAT tax number is 111234567B01. How to register, collect taxes, do returns, file, and more. Number of characters: 12. Additionally, you must include the following: your VAT number, a description of the goods or services, the VAT rate, and the total VAT amount charged. Standard VAT rate is 21% and reduced one is only 6%. Gateway to Global Trade; Possessing a VAT number is like having a passport for your business. In the Netherlands, a VAT number is a unique identifier that allows you to charge, collect and report VAT on goods and services you provide as a self-employed person. As soon as the Dutch VAT number is supplied, a foreign entrepreneur is legally able to trade in any country within the European To apply for a Dutch VAT refund, you must first register for a Dutch VAT number using the registration form for foreign companies. When foreign entrepreneurs want to apply for a Dutch VAT number, they only have to submit a few documents, but they must first complete an application form from the tax authorities. This number consists of the country code 'NL' followed by nine digits, the letter B, and two final digits. Super-reduced rates do not apply in The Netherlands (source: European Learn about Dutch VAT rates and VAT compliance. However, the Netherlands is still free to set its own standard (upper) VAT rate on the EU provision that this rate is above 15%. Read more about this. The Hague District Court clarifies EU VAT rules and tax representative requirements. January 1, 2019 Local name for VAT number in Netherlands is BTW nummer. The Netherlands has several VAT rates and a list of goods and services that are VAT-exempt. Leasing. In case of the latter your tax representative’s tax office will deal with your VAT business. Don't worry, though — you just need to fill out an application with the branch of Belastingdienst responsible A Dutch VAT number for your company will also enable you to trade within the European market, without charging VAT on sales to corporate buyers. As announced in December 2020, a request sent by the Netherlands to prohibit the right to deduct VAT on goods and services used by a taxable person for private use, non-business, or non-economic activity was approved by the Council of the European Union. Incorporation Year: Contact us Corporate Seat: Amsterdam Share Capital: 1 EUR (fully paid) Declared Activities: . The different VAT rates in the Netherlands. You must also keep records of all invoices you have sent and received. 45. The number combination consists of nine to fifteen digits, depending on the EU country, and identifies the respective economic operator. Registrations thresholds do not apply to non-established companies. Netherlands: NL: 123456789B01 or 123456789B02: 12 characters: The 10th character is always B. No Dutch VAT number, still enjoy tax benefits Entrepreneurs without a Dutch VAT number can still take advantage of tax benefits thanks to fiscal representation. Share: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Mail Starting 1 January 2025 , notable VAT changes will take effect in the Netherlands, notably impacting the VAT rate on certain agricultural goods , as well as the introduction of the EU small businesses scheme. When do I get a BTW-id (VAT identification number)? All Dutch businesses that are not legal entities, so sole proprietorships and partnerships, like vofs and maatschappen, use two VAT numbers, the VAT-id and the VAT tax number. VAT returns in The Netherlands. This includes acquiring a Dutch VAT number and meeting the VAT filing deadlines. You can check the validity of your VAT number for EU cross-border transactions using the EU VAT VIES tool. Report crime to the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst), Customs (Douane) or the Tax Administration/Benefits (Toeslagen) of the Netherlands. A fiscal representative can assist you with: Registering for a Dutch VAT number: Guiding you through the registration process and ensuring all necessary documentation is submitted correctly. Dutch entrepreneurs who regularly import goods from outside the EU can apply for an Article 23 VAT number in Dutch: le numéro d'identification à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée / BTW – identificatienummer: Abbreviation: n° TVA, BTW-nr, Mwst-n: VAT number format: "BE"+ block of 10 characters, e. Both the KVK number and VAT number are mandatory to be included on your invoices, with the KVK number obtained during the initial registration A similar rule applies to legal entities that do not have a VAT number; The Dutch VAT can become due and payable by the legal entity. If you supply goods or services in the Netherlands, VAT does not need to be calculated in all UberEATS Netherlands BTW/VAT number advice . Limited Fiscal Representation (LFR) is best for businesses that need a straightforward solution for handling VAT on imports and B2B transactions within the EU, without the need for a Dutch VAT number. Invoice requirements. The amount of VAT in euros. Explanatory notes to the digital VAT return; The explanatory notes are available in Dutch, English and German. It is followed by B01 (or higher). UK VAT is payable on the sale and therefore not on import if the UK buyer provides a valid UK VAT number to the Dutch supplier. Solutions. The limited license representative will bill the importer for the VAT suffered, only if applicable. , the non-Dutch resident must obtain a Dutch VAT number). Dutch and foreign established companies must submit and pay their VAT return by the last working day of the month following the reporting period. This permit prevents VAT from having to be paid on import. Every invoice you receive must include the following data: the name and address of the supplier; the VAT identification number of the supplier; your name and address; the invoice number The Value Added Tax (VAT) system of the Netherland (OB 1968) was introduced on 1 January 1969 replacing the cumulative turnover tax based on the Second Directive. General Fiscal Representation (GFR) is better suited for businesses with broader commercial activities in the Netherlands. Calculating VAT relating to goods and services. ; Trade registers: many countries have online trade registers where you can find company This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth understanding of Value Added Tax (VAT) and sales tax, focusing on their differences, applicability in the Netherlands, and current rates. You use 2 numbers for VAT: the VAT identification number and the VAT tax number. 00 all-in to request a VAT number for all six original PAN European countries and arrange any additional required documents for Germany, France, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Spain. You can check your clients’ VAT ID on the European Commission’s website. Calculating VAT in the Netherlands. However, if you're not a resident, Belastingdienst won't automatically issue you a VAT number. Ready-made Netherlands (Dutch) Company, including VAT Number and everything you need for a successful business. Read more Calculating VAT. For other forms of business, the current Dutch Learn about VAT within Netherlands. Dutch VAT Number Format Non-resident supplies of goods or services to customer (resident or not) with Dutch VAT number should use reverse charge - therefore no requirement to VAT register if this their only supply. They charge €1,795. Get detailed VAT guidelines and rules for Netherlands. 01 Note: All Dutch private individual entrepreneurs have two Dutch VAT numbers: - The VAT number is for contact with the Dutch tax authorities only (cannot be verified in VIES) - The VAT identification number is for business transactions (can be verified in VIES) The Netherlands has a simple VAT rate structure with only a standard VAT rate and one reduced VAT rate. These links provide easy The VAT number has the following format: NL123456789B01. focuses on Management en business consultancy (no public relations and organisational planning). Service: Ready-made Company Existing VAT Number Country: The Netherlands Legal Form: Private Company (BV) Company Name: ***** B. eu checks com­pa­nies using the VAT ID. Example: NL123456789B01. NL999999999B01 Instead of the importer VAT registering in Holland, and paying the import VAT directly, they may instead appoint a Limited Liability Fiscal Representative. There are three VAT rates: 0%, 9% and the Each EU member country has a slightly different format for their VAT number system, featuring a variation of numbers and letters. Specialises in The Dutch tax authorities will issue a new Dutch VAT number to sole traders registered for VAT in the Netherlands. There are a number of trading situations which typically require a foreign business to X has a Dutch VAT identification number and the German supplier manages transport to the Netherlands. Make sure to keep accurate records of these invoices, as you’ll need them when filing your VAT returns with the Dutch Tax Authorities. In accordance with the EU VAT Directive, foreign traders are legally obligated to register for VAT in certain circumstances in order to report taxable transactions A 2024 Guide: Applying for a VAT Number in Netherlands for your Dutch company If you are a non-resident operating a Dutch business from abroad, understanding and navigating VAT (Value Added Tax) registration in There are 3 Dutch VAT rates (btw): 0%, 9% and 21%. There will also be a number of Dutch reduced VAT rate updates in 2026. Country code: NL. Explanatory notes on VAT return in 3 languages. What does a VAT tax number look like? The VAT number looks like this: 9 numbers. Read more Report crime. Learn about VAT in the Netherlands, including standard, reduced, and zero rates. is a Besloten Vennootschap registered in Netherlands with the Company reg no 65271505. It covers VAT registration, filing requirements, and how businesses can reclaim VAT, ensuring compliance with Dutch tax regulations. EPR filings and registrations. What are the VAT rates? 21% – the standard VAT rate in the Netherlands Once you registered for VAT in the Netherlands and received the VAT number, there is some information about this tax number you need to know: the VAT number consists of 14 characters: the country code NL, followed by the Partnerships Legal Information Number (RSIN) or the Citizen Service Number (BSN), plus a 3 digit code between B01 and B99. Are you involved with Dutch VAT? Then there are a number of administrative regulations that apply to you. If you supply goods or services in the Netherlands, VAT does not need to be calculated in all Search the Dutch business register - VAT ID or VAT number, title, address, status, company information VATify. Then you are required to report this in your Dutch VAT return under section 4b. Search; EN. As part of your application you will need to send the following documents: The Dutch VAT Number is referred to as the 'BTW-identificatienummer” or 'BTW-nummer' for short. The current format of the Dutch VAT number (also known as the VAT identification number), known as the BTW-identificatienummer (BTW-ID), has been in effect since January 1, 2020. HISTORY OF VAT In the Netherlands VAT is known asbelasting over de toegevoegde waarde (btw). NL0V / 805143 entertainment. You must indicate your VAT identification number (btw-id) on all of your invoices. Why conduct a VAT check with Validata? Validata addresses your concerns: As soon as the (potential) employee or partner has provided their VAT number, Validata takes the entire screening process off your hands. Foreign Companies: If you run a non You use the VAT number for VAT returns, when claiming non-recover VAT and in order to reverse or change your VAT. A Dutch EORI number looks like this, for example: NL135792468 In all cases, you need a Dutch VAT number, which is also called the VAT identification number. We operate in following countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK. If the customer’s VAT number is not valid, 0% VAT rate cannot be applied. While you are awaiting the VAT number, or even a bank account, your Dutch company is already ready for business! It can claim back any paid VAT at later stage. If your turnover stays below a certain threshold, you may apply for the KOR and not have to file VAT returns. For example, how you calculate VAT in these situations. If so, you must use the Application for VAT identification number for foreign entrepreneurs form. The VAT number is the identifier assigned to businesses for their transactions involving this tax. However, understanding it is crucial to avoid issues with tax authorities. Annual statutory filing requirements for a dutch company, filing annual accounts, VAT and Corporate income tax return on time to avoid fines. You can register if you meet KVK's entrepreneurial criteria. Make sure to check your clients' VAT IDs. VAT returns, VAT rates, VAT reverse charge When will you not receive a VAT tax number? Some sectors, products, and types of work are exempt from VAT. Entrepreneurs in other EU member states as well as non-EU member states can also use the The Netherlands Import VAT Deferment scheme offers an invaluable financial tool for businesses engaged in import activities, yet it remains a largely However, options like appointing a Limited Liability Fiscal Please note that even when you are registered under the small business regime you have to provide Uber with a valid VAT-number. A VAT group is formed when the material conditions are met. credit@signify. To defer customs and VAT in Netherlands, it needs to assign a GFR(general fiscal representative) to be co-liable to Tax bureau. The VAT identification (BTW-id) number consists of 14 numbers. For foreign companies without a physical presence in the Netherlands, the requirements for obtaining a Dutch VAT number have changed. Different rules apply if your company is For example, if you buy goods in the Netherlands or if you export goods out of the Netherlands. The due of VAT returns in The Netherlands is different for resident and non-resident businesses. If you have immovable property in the Netherlands, then you will be involved with Dutch VAT. Skip to navigation; Special VAT arrangements. If your VAT number isn't being accepted at sign-up, please see here. Dutch VAT compliance requirements. Netherlands Btw-nr. 's VAT Number is NL004201991B01 . Like in most countries, leasing is separate from the Dutch VAT system. VAT rates in the Netherlands can be 0, 9 or 21%, depending on Once registered, you’ll receive a VAT identification number from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst). VAT identification number (VAT ID) check. Uber Profile Be sure to provide us with a valid VAT-number (by adding it to your Tax Profile / Invoice Settings page) and to update your tax profile in the Uber App. From 1 st January 2020, this new VAT number must be used for Intra-Community transactions. Services, VAT reversed charge (0%) has to be mentioned; Goods, VAT exempt has to be mentioned Who submits a VAT return? Is your business registered with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce KVK? And have you been issued with a VAT identification and VAT number?You most likely have to file VAT returns. Netherlands : Issuing Authority of VAT number: VAT status: Valid VAT Number: Last checked by us: 2021-03-13 : MAINFREIGHT FORWARDING NETHERLANDS B. It is comprised of nine digits, followed by a code that includes the letter B and numbers ranging from 01 to 99. Dutch VAT registration is a mandatory process for most businesses operating within the Netherlands. NL 'NL' + 9 digits + B + 2-digit company index – e. This ensures your VAT reporting is compliant and avoids any penalties. This is also helpful if you want to invoice a foreign company and want to be sure if you should charge VAT or not. Notify the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) If you shut down your business, you must notify the KVK. The Dutch tax authorities will issue a new Dutch VAT number to sole traders registered for VAT in the Netherlands. Read more on setting up a business in the Netherlands. No Dutch VAT number, but still take advantage of the tax benefits? Entrepreneurs established in the Netherlands and who regularly import goods from outside the EU can apply for an Article 23 permit. Simplified invoices. If the VAT number or name needs to be corrected, you enter the full details initially reported and then a – in the value box to bring the amount down to 0. The Company This means that Import VAT no longer needs to be paid at the time of clearing customs and instead can be submitted on the local VAT return as a paper exercise where no funds are actually exchanged for the purpose of import VAT. VAT in the Netherlands. (also known as KLM Royal Dutch Airlines) Amsterdamseweg 55 1182 GP Amstelveen The Netherlands Registered No 33014286 VAT Number NL004983269B01 Do you have questions or comments? This can be beneficial for companies unfamiliar with the Dutch VAT system or those lacking the resources to manage it internally. There are also a number of special VAT arrangements (in From 1 January 2020, the valid VAT number of the customer is a material requirement to be able to apply the zero VAT rate for intra-Community supplies of goods in the EU. 01. Interested in VAT rates in other EU countries? You can read about them here. Find out what rates apply for which products and services and when exemption is possible. Its current trading status is "live". This decision is automatically made based on whether the BV has a director or single shareholder natural person with a Dutch citizenship number (BSN number) registration. This is applicable for all companies, irrespective of their field of activity. These specialist licensed Dutch-resident accountants or lawyers bring the goods through customs under their own VAT number. g. Enclosing appendices You must enclose the following appendix with this application: If you have a one-man business: – a copy of your identity document A Taiwan company apply a Non-resident Netherlands VAT number. Learn how to get, display, and check your VAT identification number (btw-id) in the Netherlands. What is VAT and how does it affect my transactions? VAT stands for Value Added Tax. NL0Z / 676967 invoice. 43,700 EUR), you must register for VAT in Czechia. You receive these numbers from the Netherlands Tax Administration after you register your company with A VAT number in the Netherlands is mandatory if your sales exceed the threshold limit of 100,000 EUR, if you want to store goods in the Netherlands or for intra-community shipments. For other forms of business, the current Dutch VAT Links to official sites to check Vat Numbers or Tax IDs across the world. This reverse charge is established in the article 12, para 2 of the Dutch VAT law. You also receive a new KVK number if you change your company’s legal structure. Once registered you may submit your VAT refund claim before 1st July in the year following the year you wish to claim VAT for. EPR Close EPR Open EPR. VAT Identification: Upon registration, businesses receive a unique VAT number, which must be included on You need a Dutch VAT number if: you buy goods in the Netherlands, and therefore pay Dutch VAT, and you subsequently deliver these goods (1) within the Netherlands and other EU countries or (2) export these goods outside the EU; you import goods into the Netherlands from outside the EU and then you sell them in the Netherlands and other EU countries Differences of LFR and GFR in the Netherlands. VAT number Germany: difference between Steuernummer and VAT ID numbers (USt-IdNr) What is a VAT number and how can I get one? EU VAT resources - a link to everything +34 986 955 144; To establish and operate any business in the Netherlands, one of the primary and mandatory regulatory requirements for you is to have a valid Netherlands VAT number. For example, if you participate in the small businesses scheme KOR (see below). This invoice must satisfy a number of requirements. E-invoicing. To continue trading in the European Union, it is necessary to apply for a Dutch VAT number and an OSS number to file EU VAT returns. VAT is administered bythe Ministry of Finance A key aspect of establishing a business in the Netherlands is understanding and complying with the Dutch VAT (Value Added Tax) system. When a company is liable for Dutch VAT it will have to obtain a VAT number (please see our article on how to obtain a Duch VAT number). V. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK VAT compliance without headache. In the Netherlands we also refer to VAT as turnover tax. The Company Alibaba (Netherlands) B. Companies forming a VAT Group have the suffix B02: Once a business has completed the VAT registration process, a unique Dutch VAT number is allocated to the business. Access to the European Market: The Netherlands is ideally situated at the intersection of Europe, providing an easy access point to the whole European Union. If you do business with entrepreneurs, it’s important to know if they have a valid VAT identification number (VAT ID). In We help entrepreneurs with all aspects of their company setup. Then you will be involved with the Dutch VAT regulations. Registration with the Tax Administration. The VAT registration process may seem complicated. Dutch VAT number. com Alibaba (Netherlands) B. Discover the different ways to lookup a VAT number, including online tools and government databases, to ensure its validity. Domestic reverse charge on: gas & electricity; scrap; construction and hire of construction staff; carbon trading; security services; mobile phones Before delving into the nitty-gritty of the application process, let’s understand why having a Dutch VAT number is advantageous for your business. Dutch VAT Rate Raised from 1 January 2025 for certain agricultural goods and services. VAT in Europe. What does a VAT number look like NL 1234.