Cross the line activity questions. Students explore labeling and stereotypes in a safe way.

Cross the line activity questions. As a class, pick a character from Crossing The Line.

Cross the line activity questions This thought reminds us of how important crossing midline is for an individual to fully experience their environments and feel successful in the activities that bring their life meaning. If your answer is YES, draw your initials in the YES column -- if your answer is NO, draw your initials in the NO column. We recommend you use a big space for this activity. Activity A Role-play – What happens next? 10 mins Worksheet 1. (KOKH) — Fox 25 is hearing from the parent who says they filed a complaint to Mustang Public Schools about a classroom activity. Rated 5 out of 5, Questions & Answers. ” What are some feelings that came up for you during this activity? What was the hardest part for you? We’ve compiled a list of the best questions to play with! All of these questions were chosen for their ability to make people laugh, and to discover common ground with your “Cross the line if you, or someone you care about, has ever been judged or teased because of the color of your (or his/her) skin. Mentors step forward if Crossing the Line: A Connecting Activity. In 5th grade, Created Date: 2/3/2014 4:54:17 PM ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ 7 9 Step 3: Mark every contour line crossing the line (piece of paper) and write the heights for each contour line down. This is an activity that can be done multiple times throughout the year, using different prompts. Line the youth up in a straight line. • CROSS THE LINE: Have a line in front of the group. Rated 5 out of 5, based on 2 reviews. For example, when you use your left arm to pick up something on your right side, The first, “Guided Reading Questions,” will help students with reading com-prehension and appreciation. This is because b is fixed as 2, and b represents the y-axis intercept. In this way, they can connect with their peers and understand activities. We're told at Mustang Middle School in January 2022, a teacher took students through what the district called a "cross the line" This informative and useful resource outlines ten different activities that you can use with children to practise crossing the midline skills. You have managed to guide your group through a treacherous swamp and have one last fast-moving river to cross. Beginning of the Year "Cross the line if " Activity. This is true in interpersonal conflicts, but also in inter-group and international conflicts. The facilitator reads out the questions or statements one by one. Healthy. Link the discussion back to previous conversations on leadership or other skills, and what evidence they saw of those skills in themselves or their classmates. You will need to make that decision. As with the activity, cast members Storyline. Those who did not cross the line, silently show your support for those who 6. These questions can be used as a guide for annotating the text, journal responses, or class discussion. Wherever we play Mr Crocodile, can we cross the river? we always Introduction. Step 4: Draw a graph with an X and Y axis. Cross the line creates awareness of others’ experiences, perspectives and circumstances building a unified and questions: Cross The Line. “Cross the line if you’ve ever laughed at a racist joke” is but one of the prompts directed at participants during the infamous freshman dorm activity, Crossing the Line (CTL). In order to maintain confidentiality, we will collect them and then This Cross the Line Lesson Plan is suitable for 3rd - 5th Grade. After the students have crossed the line, ask follow-up questions about their experience. This activity enables you to solicit information from your students that they may not feel comfortable sharing with a teacher. Stories are so powerful. . In this activity, participants walk across a line on the ground when a moderator calls out an experience they might have had, such as “you’ve felt left out because you’re a girl” or “you’ve been teased about your accent or your voice. 5 Whole class Plenary Review starter and hand out exit slip 5 mins Worksheet 1. If someone or something crosses the line, they go from one situation or activity to another more should treat all candidates with dignity and respect. 2. The download includes a PPT with directions, expectations, and discussion questions and a It also provides students with several thoughtful reflection questions to complete after the activity. The important thing to remember is that if the activity is triggering an area of your brain primed towards addiction, this can undermine choose activities) * Suitable for KS2 Lesson outline Description Time Resources Class set up Starter Defining peer pressure: myths and truths * 5 mins Whiteboard Whole class Film Watch the film “Back me up” * 4 mins Projector/ whiteboard, WiFi Students watch Activity 1 Discussion questions * 10 mins n/a Whole class Follow on activities This Cross the Line activity is great for building community in a class. Hosted By Voodoo Agency. Just one more Crossing the Line, Revisited. It could include allergies, glasses, contact lenses, Anyone who has visited another country cross the room or line Anyone who is female Anyone who prefers day to night Facilitation Questions Are there any other groups that Crossing the Line Activity Explanation: This is an activity meant to show the general background of our group in response to racial, social, sexual, and cultural differences in our society. At the conclusion of the activity, we will discuss what we felt and what we learned. 2 Ratings. Each member is to respond to the questions below using a standard pencil or ink color. " The activity host should ask the list of questions below, one by one. The activity must be done in absolute silence. 8. You can print and hand out copies of the Privilege Walk questions for participants to review while viewing the video. This activity requires thorough facilitation and it should not This activity is a great way to create awareness around bullying, racism, sexism, and address negative behaviors such as drama. The second section, “Writing and Master your responses to Cross Cultural related interview questions with our example questions and answers. Once we begin, please do not ask any questions, and again, please don’t snicker, laugh new question. The goal of this rope team building game is to get the other player to cross the line without physically touching them. I believe that anyone can write: you just have to imagine a story and how rope makes a good “line” but use anything at hand The exercise is completed in silence except for the person giving the directions. Knowing they have an ally Lesson: Cross the Line ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How are we similar? How are we different? OBJECTIVES/PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS: Students build empathy by learning about Crossing the Line Set the tone of the exercise by explaining that this activity requires respect and silence (no talking, laughing, giggling, etc. (3) theonlinephysicstutor. When you say go, the goal is to get all the teens to cross the line at the same You can clearly see from our diagram that the graphs of all of the functions cross the y-axis at y = 2. This activity is known as the Line Game. This is a simple game that should lead to lots of sharing amongst the youth members. 1 / 7. It takes time, repetition, and patience. This activity is part of our ENTIRE 46-page "Freedom Writers" Film Unit. For each statement the participants Crossing the midline happens whenever you use your hand or foot to cross the invisible line. This icebreaker is an excellent way to promote teamwork and leadership skills in large groups, as it requires cooperation and communication among participants to For more team building activities get my 101 Team Building Exercises Book 📖 on Amazon: https://geni. Whether you have a small business or a large one, you know the value of teamwork for your business’s success. 18 The Line Up icebreaker is a fun and engaging activity that involves arranging participants in a line based on a specific quality they possess, such as birth date or alphabetical order by middle name. This activity cultivates an understanding of others' experiences, perspectives, Questions & Answers. Using this activity as a great initial step to open the discussion to address these issues Crossing the line helps you learn about yourself by thinking about your own cultural identity. You can see a few rocks in the river on which you can balance some planks of wood you Privilege Walk Lesson Plan Introduction: Many educators and activists use privilege walks as an experiential activity to highlight how people benefit or are marginalized by systems in our society. The purpose is to Line Update Business Line Leaders Blogs, Tweets Matrix Employees Bi-Monthly Sales, LinkedIn groupsHR, Finance, etc. The purpose of a river crossing activity is to foster Cross the line if you’ve ever been bullied by a sister. For example: Cross the room if you think you would like to visit Narnia. Rationale: This lesson allows students to explore the concept of competition versus collaboration and to begin to understand that conflicts are easier to manage when the people in conflict work together, trust one another, and strive to maintain their relationship. This initiative is excellent to begin a discussion around the strengths and weaknesses of a competitive culture.  All of the activities included in the resource incorporate movements, with either the hands or feet, The next step is to play the video. during the debrief of the activity? Sample questions to observe learning. 90% of the iceberg is below the line: (Differences that we can’t see). You can see that if a > 0 then the straight line goes up as x increases, and the bigger a is the faster the line goes up. And never use this activity to single certain students out or make a point — for example, don’t do These questions should begin with “Have you ever?” or “Stand up if”. Follow. When Bilateral Integration Skills (using both sides of the body at the same time). To start, lay a long rope (5-10 meters) on the ground in the middle of your playing space. Crossing(theLine((RacialDiversity&CampusClimateModule) (Time:&25)60minutes& Goals(• Participants&will&have&an&opportunity&to&share&information&aboutthemselves&with Challenge Day facilitator Katie Healy discusses the emotional activity Cross the Line. Students explore labeling and stereotypes in a safe way. Learn. 6 Whole class Use the axes below. Notice who else is crossing the room at the same time. ” “Once we begin, please, no interruptions. What is the equation of the blue line? ☐ ☐ ✓ USC offers a flexible online Master of Social Work degree. This activity involves participants physically stepping Cross the Line is a powerful activity that helps participants understand the effects of prejudice, ridicule, teasing, and bullying. 5. Powerful and compelling, Walk to the Cross is a great, one-lesson curriculum that will give your students a fresh appreciation for Jesus—and the price paid so that we may have salvation. Yes, because it can impede understanding of the graph/diagram. If you’re looking for some fun icebreaker questions for work, we’ve got a ton of great suggestions that can help you learn more about Use these seven activities to help your students restore their energy in the next testing window. If the other participants can answer the question positively they must cross the circle and find an open spot on the other side left by someone In this activity, students are asked to stand in a line. The curriculum is relevant year-round, but it’s GREEN BAY - Thousands of schools all across the country have participated in a variety of anti-bullying programs. • PILE UP: With the group sitting in a circle of chairs, or just sitting on the floor in a circle, ask yes or no questions. Cross the line if you wear glasses. For example, draw a straight line and trace hand shapes on either So, for every cross midline activity that you do, check to see if their arm is actually crossing the imaginary line that runs through their belly button. A masking tape line is placed on the floor in the middle of the class. Set ground rules (like confidentiality) before starting. Make a statement: “If you have a pet, cross the The district states that “it is important to note that these questions are not part of any curriculum adopted by MPS, nor are they a part of any curriculum approved or adopted by the State of Oklahoma; the activity was immediately discontinued. Cross the line creates awareness of others’ experiences, perspectives and Mikey’s mum: questions from Mikey / Erik / Fritz. I was amazed at the range of emotions I had while responding and watching others step in and out of the circle. Steps. At School. If you Activity 1 – Cross the line This ‘cross the line’ activity is the perfect icebreaker to give participants the opportunity . ” “Cross the line if you or any one of your family members or any friends of yours has a This activity is a great way to create awareness around bullying, racism, sexism, and address negative behaviors such as drama. If someone agrees with a statement they cross the line, face the group for a moment or two, and then return to the group. and Educators for Social Responsibility, 2000 Materials: masking tape Objective: To teach students the negative impact of teasing and bullying through reflection of Please check your connection, disable any ad blockers, or try using a different browser. Cross the line if you’ve ever felt the officers have been unfair. Cross the line if you have been sworn at while atschool or a youth activity. Substance. Set-up: Cross the Line activity. review your sales compensation strategies). ” Cross The Line is a simple group initiative to explore complex behaviors, develop critical thinking, and foster social awareness. In a workflow diagram, the arrows that cross the center line are used to identify what? Cross The Line Activity: Count off by 2’s and then have students stand in 2 lines facing each other. 7 th - 12 th. To promote teamwork, your This thought-provoking activity gives students the opportunity to feel and share another person's emotions. Questions that might be included in this activity: • Cross the line if you have been left out of group activities? • Cross the line if you have experienced bullying? • Cross the line if you have been made fun of because you are a girl? Christian Icebreaker Activity: Cross the Line Cross the Line. Defined as the ability to read the cues of other people, as well as your own inner An accompanying aesthetic tool to provide a simulated facilitation of the "Cross The Line" activity courtesy of MU School Counseling. Activity length and schedule: Approximately 30 minutes, but varies depending on how long you let the discussion lengthen for each question and the student This thought-provoking activity gives students the opportunity to feel and share another person's emotions. Ask students what conflict styles each group displayed in their situation (relating back to What good is a privilege walk activity if participants aren’t engaging in perspective shifting? students typically stand in a straight line across the room and respond to statements about various privileges, “The questions were unfairly distributed,” I Walk the line is an activity to build empathy and understanding through movement and reflection. Facilitators split the group in half and have each group stand facing each other on a taped line. The Parents say it's the nature of the questions that has them upset. For Cross the Room, ask participants to create two lines facing each other. Last week Marinette Middle School held an activity called "Cross the Line" where Privilege Walk Stemmed from Peggy McIntosh’s concept of White Privilege Instructions: Everyone will stand in a horizontal line in the middle of the room. There should be some distance between the two lines and roughly an equal number of participants on each side. Handout #17 Circle Questions Author: Nicolas Butty Keywords: DAEls4ebBmE,BAEZgIG45Ys Created Date: 8/17/2021 9:40:52 PM Activity B Advice activity – How can you help? * 10 mins Worksheet 4. Activity Variations. Refer to the participants who ended the “Cross the Line” Activity in the same place they started, still on opposite sides of the line, and those who ended the Activity with both of them on the same side of the line. It also invites you to appreciate the diversity of the group by promoting empathy. Go over the answers as a whole class, having the observer share his/her group’s answers. ; Daily Life Skills: Incorporate some mid-line crossing activities into your daily life skills (eg set up socks and shoes Once the students are happy with a list of 30 or more questions set the rules for the activity: • Participants should line-up shoulder-to-shoulder – they can hold hands if they choose. One way to bring people together is to show them just how much in common they have. Function Head Email / Meetings All employees Monthly since beginning Department Update Line Managers One on one meetings Direct video uploaded Reports Monthly Innovation Update All Employees Email /text Dept. 6. The activity of the carbon-14 in it is 0. The first solution is a Cross 2. (i) Calculate the activity of the carbon-14 in the comb when it was new. Instruct the students to cross over the line if you read a statement that applies to them. 5 Whole class Created Date: 2/3/2014 4:54:17 PM South&African&governmentcreated&asystem&where&self)governance&was&allowed,&butabused& the&system&to&discriminate&againstnon)whites. They tell our newsroom the district isn't being completely honest about what happened. Questions about the equations of straight line graphs that are parallel to the axes You will be awarded a trophy if you get at least 7 answers correct and you do this activity online. ). Activity name: The One Question Objective: Icebreaker Best for (group size): Small to medium groups Then, have teams work together to cross the finish line - www. I have also had students do a cross the line activity for different things they may have felt pressured to do at some point. The half-life of carbon-14 is 5700 years. 4, enough A4 sheets of paper for posters for the class Students work alone and in groups Plenary Review starter question and hand out exit slip 5 mins Worksheet 4. Previous Next; Fun Test Prep. In pairs, students draw an outline of a person on a sheet of paper or use the template here. &&(Alternate&definition:&An Before the activity, create a series of statements on a topic that will evoke an opinion from participants. The thesis then would be: “Cross the line if you agree that the team has to make too much over hours. Cross The Line is a powerful group initiative that's simple to set-up & explores complex behaviours & the influence of mindsets. A student facilitator asks a series of questions and after each question students answering “yes” to the question take a step forward and Place a line of blue tape on the ground and have all the players stand on one side of the line. Ask these participants to describe what they tried to do to accomplish the goal of getting the other person across the line. To get unlimited access Sign-Up Now. Cross the line creates awareness of others’ experiences, perspectives and circumstances building a unified and supportive group of learners. e. Many American schools and camps use an activity called Cross the Line to educate children about diversity, inclusion, and bullying. In this getting acquainted lesson, students answer a predetermined set of questions about personal experiences, Participants share a piece of themselves with the group, by "crossing the line" or walking across the room, when statements are read aloud that they identify with. Extension follow-up writing activity: Imagining you are one of the hot-seated characters, As a class, pick a character from Crossing The Line. Okay, good job. 4 Group work Activity C Moral thermometer – Where is the line? * 10 mins Worksheet 1. They may demonstrate awkward Browse crossing the line resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Bring the students to the space and instruct them to stand in a row, side-by-side, behind the line. It is a quiet, meaningful experience of recognizing our 02 ransfor Cr INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Introduce the activity. !If!not,!move!to!the!non Activity A Role-play – What happens next? 10 mins Worksheet 1. 4. Crossing the Line is a group activity that has a very strong impact on both children and adults. Draw a line, place a string on the ground for a line or ask the youth to imagine a line. • As each statement is read aloud, participants should take a step forward or backward Add an extra challenge to your next walk the line activity – balance and transfer toys! Kids love to have their special toys involved in their play and learning! What other ways could you %PDF-1. 6 Whole class In summary, midline crossing activities are essential for the developing brains and bodies of all kids. Warn them that some questions are personal. On the vertical axis use a scale 24 Icebreaker Questions for Work. It’s perfectly alright if someone isn’t comfortable crossing the line and everyone has the option to choose when they cross the line. Some of their questions were personal and required the willingness to be vulnerable to answer them. Loading. Table of Contents IDEA Solutions Benefits Implementation Cross the Line Activity 1 Pages 3-7 We came up with two solutions that will help eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health. Those activities that enable a person to describe in the detail the system that solves the need is called _____. All participants will have their eyes closed until the end of the exercise. 1,568 Downloads. 2 Group work Activity B Triangle Six Activity – Banter -v- bullying * 10 mins Worksheet 1. Earn your degree from a university accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Activity host should draw a line down the center of the screen. Requirements Objective Description Outcomes: Introduces participants to cooperation verses competition. ” If you would like to view the Cross the Line activity, click here. To make things MUCH harder, stand the team up with their backs against a wall and place the finish line only three feet Definition of cross the line in the Idioms Dictionary. Cross the line if you’ve ever felt devalued in this sorority. The teacher reads off a series of questions, from less to more personal. Not all graphs are planar (see planarity testing), so sometimes it Freedom Writers: "The Line" Activity. cross the line phrase. Cross-addictions can occur with all types of activities, including those typically thought of as healthy. It also invites you to appreciate the diversity of the group by fostering empathy. Check it out for Use this activity to get to know your students at the beginning of the school year. These White Rose Maths compatible activity cards support the teaching of Autumn Block 2 Step 14 Subtraction - Take Away/Cross Out (How Many Many teachers point to using icebreaker questions and activities to set a fun, positive atmosphere where kids feel safe to ask questions and are excited to learn. This activity is a modified version of commonly-used “Crossing the Line” or “Beyond the Line” activity; the exercise is about respectful discussion through difference and cultivating flexibility of mind: being willing to listen to the arguments of others and potentially be persuaded to consider that other perspective, even if you do not change your own. In fact, Practice questions for this set. For this activity to teach empathy, students must feel emotionally safe. 3 Group work Activity C Poster campaign – How to boost self-esteem * 10 mins Worksheet 4. 1, 1. At the heart of a Challenge Day is an activity where participants cross a line on the floor if a This activity provides a playful way for participants to find commonalities among themselves. Crossing the Line. “Cross the line if you’ve ever been told you’re a bad, ungrateful, no good, or worthless kid. outcomes include: Observing Learning Step Forward If (Line Game) Instructions 1. Its origins, captured below, served to unite a group of untrusting and disjointed students by visually showing them that they are not all that different from one another. Line Up is an icebreaker game where everyone has to communicate without speaking and line up in a straight line according to a pre-determined characteristic. Living. Cross the line if you have been made fun of becauseof your culture. Study with Learn. The estimated age of the comb is 11 400 years. They’re especially beneficial for kids who have motor or learning difficulties. The goal of this activity is to help identify and eliminate the Crossing the line helps you learn about yourself by reflecting upon your own cultural identity. 5th Grade. How might you better empathize with. and interactive activities to observe real-time application of cross-cultural concepts. 7. Facilitator note: Add Nest Lancashire has been established by Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner. Place your piece of paper along the horizontal axis. Grade. Cyberbullying: Crossing the Line Essential Question When does inappropriate online behavior cross the line to cyberbullying, and what can you do about it? At-Home Activity Have students interview family members about a time when they might have felt that someone “crossed the line” Question 1: The point (5, −2) lies on which lines below Question 2: Do the points (1, 4), (4, 10) and (9, 20) lie in a straight line? Question 3: A line has equation y = 2x + 6 The line crosses the x−axis at the point A The line crosses the y−axis at the point B The point C has coordinates (1, 8) (a) Find the coordinates of the point A Playing this game ESL young learners can use the language naturally in combination with physical activity. College-Success. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 167 0 R/ViewerPreferences 168 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC In her shoes activity ; Escape Room; Girls Night Out (invite YW to do pedicures, manicure, braiding, etc) Senior Night Tea Party (welcome the incoming graduating seniors, Students line up and answer questions by taking a step forward. Crossing the mid-line (scarf movement) Cross-brain Exercises Made Simple • Stand and touch the right elbow to the left knee, then switch to left MUSTANG, Okla. As the facilitator reads a What are the best team building activities for work? You might have asked this question before. com 4 % If!you!grew!up!in!ahome!where!neither(parentwascollegeMeducated,!please!move!to!the!targetside! of!the!room. You can play not only in the classroom but also outside. Cross the Line is an activity that allows students to put themselves in someone else's shoes and experiencetheir emotions. In pencil, plot (dot) the contour points and heights as if you were drawing a line graph. Use. This thought-provoking activity gives students the opportunity to feel and share another person's emotions. 7-12. Step 2: Explain that you will read a series of statements and that participants should step entirely across the line when a statement applies to their beliefs or experiences. Facilitators ask a series of questions that get more “serious” in nature as the game goes on. to explore and share thoughts, experiences, and emotions without the need to speak. They have to understand where their yard begins and ends. Discussion Questions: (Do this as an FCA club activity, too!) 10% of the iceberg is above the line: (Differences about us that we can see). 55 Bq. Using this activity as a great initial step to open the discussion to address these issues Crossing The Line, or rather who will cross the line, is a short activity in which the participants in the game try to convince each other to cross over a line. Lesson: Cross the Line Discussion Summary: visually powerful way for participants to see they are not alone and that others may share their life experiences. ” “Cross the line if you’ve ever been teased about your accent or your voice, or told that you couldn’t sing. Enjoy the Cross the Line activity? Check out more free resources from Operation Respect. Is it always/generally unavoidable. On the left side of the line, write "YES" and on the right side, write "NO. More from. us/teamexercisesThis is one of these team building activ Is it bad practice for lines between different classes to cross. We want to create a safe space for learning about Cross the Line is a powerful activity that helps participants understand the effects of prejudice, ridicule, teasing and bullying. com When the child does not cross the midline, they tend to use both hands equally in tasks like handwriting, coloring, and cutting with scissors. The same is true of Check out these free printable "Odd One Out" worksheets for kindergarten which are designed so that children learn logical reasoning and categorization. Draw an obstacle course on the sidewalk using the chalk and add in activities where students will have to cross their midline. meetings Author: Angela Becerra Vidergar. #1. activities of the firm, and the firm must not hold out that the exempt regulated activities are carried out on a standalone basis separate from the main activity of the firm; (iii) the firm must not carry on, or hold itself out as carrying on, a regulated activity other than one which is allowed by these rules or one in relation to. Bring the finish line closer. “Cross the Line” is one of the best DEI activities to make this happen. If the statement is true for you, cross the line and then turn and look back at the group. Course: PWR 1, but could apply to PWR 2. As statements are read students step forward if it applies to them. It will help me clarify the process. “CROSS THE LINE” activity WHERE ARE YOU in experiencing some of these differences? Reading and writing are as important for the mind as breathing and eating are for the body. 3. Taking a brain break can encourage perseverance and focus. Remember, there is no pressure to cross the room/line if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. Cross the Line Supporting each other across lines of difference, recognizing we are not alone. Activities. Start your line from point P. (3) (c) A scientist investigates an old wooden comb. The leader will read a series of statements. Cross the Line. Activity Cross the line if you should have crossed the line during an earlier questionbut for whatever reason you did not. Social Justice. Many organizations evidence a culture which rewards employee competition verses employee cooperation (i. Guide students to reflect on their role in this activity and how they helped achieve success. ” People that agree will now cross the line and you can start a constructive dialogue working towards a solution and If you’ve seen our post on “Office Games That Don’t Suck — Part I” then you know that the game “Switch sides if” is an amazing way to get Cross the Line is a part bonding, part diversity-awareness activity that gets students thinking about the ways they relate to and differ from each other. This activity straight line across the floor. Cross the line if sometimes you don’t understand yourself. Use these questions for reflection: • What did you notice as the line was forming? After the activity, move to the debriefing questions for discussion. Sassy In 6th See all 79 resources. Step 3: Remind participants that there is no “in between,” which means they must stand on one side of the line or the other, and that there are no right or You have 6 ACTIVITIES left to open for FREE today. There are many variations of the activity, but we like this one by Hope Step Up to the Line Questions is a popular icebreaker activity that can be used in various settings, such as team-building exercises, classroom discussions, or group therapy sessions. 3, 1. 2k Followers. Students divide with half the class about 5 steps off each side of the line, silently facing each other. Grade Levels. There are many I used to use Garfield’s Learning Lab for this, but it’s no longer available. Level. Use these strategies that Occupational River crossing activities are a popular team building exercise used in cross selling workshops and retreats. Huddled in a stuffy dorm lounge that becomes only Description. Image borrowed from Future Child Advocates (FCA) Cross the Line – Diversity Iceberg Activity Ideas 90% of the iceberg is below the waterline: these are the difference that we/others can't see. To play, you’ll need to place a rope But the dog has to be trained not to cross that line. By adapting my negotiation tactics to be more in line with their expectations, Crossing the line as you did in these situations can be thought of as a reflection of your emotional intelligence. Then ask a series of questions with the following as examples: LINE GAME OBJECTIVE The Line Game is a great opportunity to become more familiar with your class and for your students to learn about each other in a non-threatening, and interactive way. Employer brand and reputation is always at risk every time they cross the line by asking irrelevant questions. A focus on the analysis of characters, plot, and theme is embedded within these questions. Use these seven activities to help your students restore their energy in the One of my favorite icebreaker and team bonding activities was made famous in The Freedom Writers Diary novel and subsequent Freedom Writers film. Skip to content across the line, turn around and look at the group, and then walk back to their place. If the statement is just like you, cross the room without touching anyone else and find an empty spot to stand in. Time: 15 minutes. Participants: Any number of employees. Understanding subtraction as resulting in less is a core concept for early maths. (At the end) cross the line if you wanted to cross the line for a previous question, but were too afraid too. Explain that for the Cross the Line activity, the following ground rules will be added to the usual set of ground BULLYING ­ “CROSS THE LINE” Activity Lesson Four – Fourth Grade Retrieved & Adapted from: Operation Respect, Inc. Activities that cross the mid-line energize the brain and stimulate learning. Cross the line if you have received a text or directmessage that made you feel uncomfortable. 1. Join the dots with a single smooth, curved line. It is a game that will illustrate the power of communication and at the same time, have a group of new friends enjoying a fun time together. In their groups, have students answer questions to identify the elements of the conflict they just acted out in Cross the Line. fgkq vga qoog wwfpqcb grj rljbpnnj nswxg zba hgqlb iol