Aqa a level business specification • OxfordAQA International Advanced Level We’ve updated elements of the AS and A-level Psychology specification to bring these more up-to-date and to better support teaching and learning. 1 Why choose AQA for A-level English LanguageA specification designed for you and your Why choose the AS and A-level specifications? • A qualification in accounting will always be helpful Content removed at A -level Types of business organisation (sources of finance) Preference shares . 15% . 0 Subject content. BUSINESS (DRAFT 7137, 7138) Specification For teaching from September 2025 onwards For AS and A-level exams in 2026 onwards Version 0. DRAFT 7137; AS AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. What is business? 2. Download using the AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. I do A-level Edexcel business (similar to AQA)and I am predicted an A*. GCSE Business Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. 2 Types of business organisation. It is part of a suite of GCE qualifications offered by Pearson. 1 Understanding the nature and purpose of business. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) A-level Accounting Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. There are obviously many • We will write to you if there are significant changes to the specification. A lot has changed in the business world since then, and we believe that Business qualifications should get learners ready for AS Business (7131) and A-level Business (7132). It covers the subject content, scheme of assessment and general administration for Find out everything you need to know about teaching and assessing AS and A-level Business with AQA. 31 Jan 2018. 1 Understanding the Nature of Business. The result is creative, relevant, engaging and up-to-date business GCE Business Studies for exams from June 2014 onwards (version 1. Flashcards made with information provided by textbooks, Seneca and Tutor2U to support the AQA A Level Business specification. Appraisals could focus on: profitability; AQA Education has obtained an AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2026 onwards. 2. No subjects found. 1 Unit 1 BUSS1 Planning and Financing a Business 6 AS and A-levels. AS and A-levels. The AS specification is designed to be taken over one or two years with all assessments taken at the end of the course. The specification is for first teaching in Find out the changes to the subject content and assessment of the AS and A-level Business qualifications for first teaching from September 2023. . PDF Appraising business performance by using financial statements and ratios. 1 AQA Business. Become an examiner; Contact Us; AS and A-levels. Refine. Version 1. 2 Focus: Managing operations and people. PDF | 1011. There are obviously many A-level Business 7132. A-Level Business: Paper 2 Business 2 (7132/2) Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. 1 Why choose AQA for AS BusinessDynamic and engaging content. 1 Why choose AQA? 2 1. 22 Dec Transactions could be for service or trading businesses and, as well as those arising from the documents Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Inspiring students to explore and succeed. Content as Paper 1. 2015 AS and A level Business specifications, this document is an easy reference guide to help you identify key comparisons and differences between the specifications. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing Knowledge Book for AQA A-Level Business (for exams from 2025) in Student Workbooks. uk/business Speak to us: call 01483 477 863 or email business-studies@aqa. For International A-level exams May/June 2020 onwards. 7 KB. Variable costs (Total variable costs) = Variable cost per unit × Number of units sold . Section A: Assesses the context of the pre-release material. 8 Choosing strategic direction. Teacher PowerPoints for AQA A-Level AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2026 onwards. Budgeting Resources and support from AQA 360° SUPPORT Choosing the right qualification This collection of study notes is designed to support students revising Section 3. This notice is to alert you to the injunction, so that you are aware of it and can make submissions about it if you wish to do so. Here is the PowerPoint analysis we used in our recent livestream looking at the changes in the new AQA A Level Business specification (for first teaching from September 2023) Introduction to the New AQA A Level AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. Why choose AQA for A-level MathematicsThe changes to A-level Maths qualifications represent the AS and A-levels. PDF | 646. We have a long history and proven track record of providing high quality, successful Business qualifications that we have continued to improve through teacher feedback, operational experience and by working closely with universities and the wider academic community. 1 An introduction to the role of the accountant in business. The ultimate knowledge organiser for AQA A-Level Business based on the new specification (first exams from 2025) - featuring structured AQA – A-level Business. 2 KB. 2 Support and resources to help you teach 6 1. Level 3 Certificate in Applied Business. 3 Marketing management. PDF | 595. 5 Financial management. AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2026 onwards. 46 terms. 10 terms. AQA A-LEVEL Business: Formulas. AS and A-level Economics Specifications for first teaching in 2015. 1 Why choose AQA for AS and A-level Business Dynamic and engaging content. 56 KB. 9 (Strategic Methods: How to Pursue Strategies) of the AQA A Level Business specification. 4 Visit aqa. Abdullah_Khurram7. business-studies@aqa. 7131, 7132. A-level Accounting Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, The resource covers the 2023 AQA A Level Business specification. Exam for (7132/1) June 2025 series. 601/7145/5. 1 29 February 2024 TION. 1 What is business? 3. Browse Study Rocket's A Level Business Studies AQA free revision notes. For International AS exams May/June 2019 onwards. Subscribe for updates. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) AS and A-level English Language Specification Specifications for first teaching in 2015. Start studying; Search. The ultimate knowledge organiser for AQA A-Level Business based on the new specification (first exams from 2025) - featuring structured AS and A-levels. GCE Business Studies for exams from June 2014 onwards (version 1. Search resources: Filter (4) AQA. Ofqual qualification number . Analyse and evaluate business information and issues to demonstrate understanding of the impact of these on business activity, to make reasoned judgements and justified business decisions. uk T: 01483 477 863 AS and A-level Business. AQA Specifications AQA Subject content There are ten Content areas specified by AQA. This qualification offers an engaging and effective introduction to Psychology. 3. Share. 0 General administration. 7 Analysing the strategic position of a business. Your students should be familiar with, and gain understanding from all these terms. I listed the topics on notion and highlighted them red,amber and green. All the course specific revision resources you need to ace your A Level Business exams. We have a long history and proven track record of providing high quality, BUSINESS (DRAFT 7137, 7138) Specification For teaching from September 2025 onwards For AS and A-level exams in 2026 onwards Version 0. Find past papers and mark schemes, and specimen papers for new courses, on our website at aqa. In February 2024 we submitted our draft AS and A-level Business specification (7137, 7138) to Ofqual for accreditation. 59 KB. ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX Here is a collection of study notes and revision videos which help to explain all the theories and models contained in the AQA A Level Business specification. Each scheme has been produced by a practicing A-level Business teacher. 4 How can I find out more? 4 2 Specification at a Glance 5 3 Subject Content 6 3. Profit. 2 Support and resources to help you teach 6 Introduction The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Business is designed for use in schools and colleges. 2 Business Aims & Objectives. PDF | 629. No end date has yet been set. A-level Business DRAFT 7138. 4 (Decision-Making to Improve Operational Performance) of the AQA A Level Business specification. This course provides a comprehensive and resource-packed guide to the structure of the AQA A-Level Business specification, the demands of the different questions, how students are assessed and help with teaching tricky topics. 13 Jun 2023. 3 Draft specification 7 2 Specification at a glance 9 2. 7131, 7132 Find all the information, support and resources you need to deliver our specification. AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level; AS Paper 2 – Managing Operations, Human Resources and Finance: Any part of section 3. The financial gain earned by a business after deducting total costs from total revenue. It covers topics such as Although not an entry requirement for this specification, candidates who have studied GCSE in Business Studies will find that this specification builds on the concepts and skills that they This is a draft specification for teaching A-level Business from September 2026 onwards. Students answer all questions from both sections. AQA Education This collection of study notes is designed to support students revising Section 3. The purpose of these outline schemes is to provide advice and guidance to teachers, not to prescribe and restrict their approach to the specification. AQA A-Level Business Formulas. Full specs and sample assessment materials are out on 11 June 2014. ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. uk What this means for Business Whatever you think of the changes, for Business we’ve developed new AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. Why choose AQA for GCSE BusinessOur new specification will give you and your students the opportunity to explore real business issues and how businesses work. Search resources: Filter (3) Interesting taking a brief look at the new AQA Business specification (for first teaching Sept 2015): highlights below. We also offer questions, notes and videos for this and many other subjects at our A-Level revision section. 0 Introduction. Every specification is given a national discount (classification) code by the Department for Education There are no overlaps with any other AQA qualifications at this level. Additional information. TION. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) 1. As well as the AS and A Level Business Specification, we supply a range of digital teaching resources that are free to download, and can be accessed From GCSE to A-level, AQA Business Studies helps develop students’ interest in the subject and their analytical and critical thinking skills. 2 Why choose Business Studies? 2 1. PDF | 2. 1 Why Businesses Exist. AS exams May/June 2016 onwards. Number Formula 1 . Choose Topic. AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2025 onwards. Decision Making to Improve Human Resource Performance Setting Human Resource Objectives; Making Human Resource Decisions: Improving Organisational Design and Managing the Human Resource Flow; AS and A-level Business. A-level exams May/June 2017 onwards. BUSINESS A LEVEL AQA SPECIFICATION Y13 Spring Term Choosing strategic direction Strategic direction: choosing which markets to compete in and what products to offer Strategic positioning: choosing how to compete Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies Assessing a change in scale Explore AQA's range of subjects and qualifications. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX 1. 14 KB. Find out how at aqa AS and A-level Business. Search resources: Filter (4) Face-to-face CPD Essential AQA A-Level Business. For International A-level exams June 2020 onwards. Preview. There are obviously many A-level Accounting Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. 14 May. 1 Understanding the nature and purpose of OxfordAQA International AS and A-level Business (9625). AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing Oxford AQA International AS/A-level Business specification. Appendix: ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, AS and A-level Business. 1 Unit 1 BUSS1 Planning and Financing a Business 6 AS and A-level Business redevelopment - an update on our progress so far Published: Tuesday 2 Jul 2024. Annex: quantitative skills in business. Specification Planning resources Teaching resources Assessment resources Key dates AS and A-level Business (7131; 7132) Assessment resources. 0 Specification at a glance. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX AS and A-levels. 2 (Managers, Leadership and Decision Making) of the AQA A Level Business specification. 18% : AO3 . Why are we doing this? The current specification has been around for some time – written in 2013, for first teaching in 2015. 5. To help you see how the subject content changes will look from first teaching in September 2025, we’ve created a full list of the summary of changes for the AS and A-level specification. Teacher 37 terms. A-level Business Next exam: 14 May 2025. and issues to business contexts and to interpret business information. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) Psychology (7181) Sociology (7191) 1. AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. Hello and welcome to the AQA AS and A-level Business podcast, supporting your teaching of our new specifications, available from September 2015. A-level Business Summer 2016 First examinations for new AS level Business Summer 2017 First examinations for new A-level Business 2 3 Read the specifications: aqa. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX All of the following past exam papers were produced by AQA for the latest Business specification. Qualifications. Types of business organisations including different business Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Main menu. PDF ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | A-level Business 7132. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) A-level Mathematics Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. 2 of the specification may be assessed; 1 hour 30 minutes; 80 marks; 50% of AS-level, 20% of A-level; A AQA A LEVEL BUSINESS SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST 3 WHAT IS BUSINESS? o Business Objectives o Mission Statements o Variable and Fixed Costs o Limited and Unlimited Liability o Different Forms of Business o Private What topics have been examined on the current AQA A-Level Business specification? This edition of the AQA A-Level Business Topic Tracker has the information up to Paper 1 (2024) Please note, this tracker does not AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. 07 Jun 2020. 3) 1 1 Introduction 2 1. 17% . 1 Focus: What is business, ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | A-level Biology is a stepping stone to future study, which is why we also consulted universities to ensure this specification allows students to develop the skills that they want to see. It provides students with opportunities to explore theories and concepts within a GCE Business Studies for exams from June 2014 onwards (version 1. uk/pastpapers. Exam-standard and exam-style questions covering a specific unit of the AQA A Level Business specification, complete with full mark scheme. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) Psychology (7181) Sociology (7191) See all AS and If your school or college has not previously offered any AQA specification, you need to register as an AQA centre to offer our specifications to your students. 3 The double entry model. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) GCSE Business Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. 1 Unit 1 BUSS1 Planning and Financing a Business 6 and the A-level specification was examined for the first time in June 2017. 06 MB. The paper comprises two sections. Students will learn the fundamentals of the subject and develop skills valued by Higher Education (HE) and employers, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research. Edexcel – A-level Business. jaymo2004. PDF | 1. Receive the latest news, resources and support for your subject area from AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2026 onwards. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX From GCSE to A-level, AQA Business Studies helps develop students’ interest in the subject and their analytical and critical thinking skills. 4. 0 8 2 SPECIFICATION AT A GLANCE The titles of the qualifications are: • Oxford AQA International Advanced Subsidiary Business. Content. 7 Limited company accounts. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX Prepare for your exams with the help of AQA Past Papers as revision aids and teachings resources. Profit = Business specifications AS Year 12 and A-level Year 12 (first year) A-level Year 13 (second year) All students can be taught together. PDF ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, Last October, we released the very first AQA A Level Business Unit Assessment. 1 Why choose AQA for A-level Accounting A qualification in accounting will always be helpful – whether it's used professionally or personally. The topics which were red and amber were my top priority. 1 What is Business? 1. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX Here's a topic-by-topic listing of the AQA A-Level Business specification organised by the ten Units. 1 Why choose AQA for A-level Psychology Relevant content designed by experts. analyse and evaluate business performance using accounting techniques to interpret financial Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Oxford AQA International AS and A-level Business (9625). Transcript. 2 Managers, leadership and decision making. Teach AS and A-level together. The most recent past papers are always locked for teacher use only, so these will not be published when they are available to everyone. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) Level 3 Applied Business Specification Specification for first teaching from 2016. Email: business-studies@aqa. 2. 7131 7132 GCE Business Studies for exams from June 2014 onwards (version 1. 1831. Oxford AQA International AS/A-level Business specification. May 2025. 37 MB. The Unit Assessment concept is simple. A-Level Business: Paper 1 Business 1 (7132/1) Download Paper – Download Mark Scheme. Learn about the AQA A-level Business specification for first teaching in 2023, covering topics such as business models, theories, strategies and change. 23 Sep 2014. 22 Dec 2016. 4 Operational management. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Main menu Close panel. One compulsory case study followed by approximately six questions. PDF ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, A-level Accounting Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017. Here's a topic-by-topic listing of the AQA A-Level Business specification organised by the ten Units. PDF | 878. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. txt) or read online for free. Subject specifications that are available to candidates are listed below. 0 8 2 Specification at a glance The titles of the qualifications are: • OxfordAQA International Advanced Subsidiary Business. ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street Essential AQA A-Level Business This course provides a comprehensive and resource-packed guide to the structure of the AQA A-Level Business specification, the demands of the different questions, how students are assessed and help with teaching tricky topics. For International AS exams June 2019 onwards. Revenue (Sales or Turnover) = Selling price per unit × Number of units sold . Business Paper 1. PDF ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. 1 (What is Business ) of the AQA A Level Business specification. 3 Focus: Business and society, business and the external environment, ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX Find a range of resources for AS and A Level Business here on the Eduqas website. org. Version 3. PDF | 782. Each Unit Assessment is 50 marks with a suggested time allocation of 60 minutes. To develop both our International GCSE and AS/A-level Business specifications we worked closely with teachers, employers and higher education institutions. This qualification is linear. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) AS and A-level. Past Papers. Here is what I recommend:-Find the specification-so for you it would be AQA A level business spec-use it as your topic list. Contents 1 Introduction 5 1. Students also viewed. Age range . ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. GRM END SEM. 1 Unit 1 BUSS1 Planning and Financing a Business 6 ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. 9 Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies. 0 Qualifications at a glance - overview. The whole class studies: • What is business? • Managers, leadership and decision making • Marketing management AQA Subject: Business Oxford AQA International AS and A-level Business specification has been developed to inspire, challenge and motivate all students regardless of their academic ability. The following subject specific vocabulary provides definitions of key business terms used in our A-level Business (7132) specification. 18 Nov 2021. A Level A Level Biology Revision A Level Chemistry Revision A Level Physics Revision A Level Psychology Revision A Level Business Revision A Level Sociology Revision A Level Political Studies Revision. Key dates Specification Planning resources Teaching resources Assessment resources Key dates. Subject content. We've also added a listing of the key theories and models & quantitative / numerical concepts. The A-level Business specification includes a number of theories and models which have been included to help teachers by providing a framework for use when teaching the different topics. Total costs = Fixed costs + Variable costs. This approach has led to a specification that will support you to inspire students, nurture a passion for Biology and lay the groundwork for further study in courses like biological sciences and medicine. 1 The A-level Business specification includes a number of theories and models which have been included to help teachers by providing a framework for use when teaching the different topics. T: 01483 477 863. 1 . Download the specification for AQA A-level Business 7132, which covers the subject content, scheme of assessment and general administration. Download using the ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. Section B: Focuses on one strand of the pre-release material. A-level Business. Of these, the first six are required for both AS papers while all ten are required for all three A-level papers. Search resources: Filter (4) AS and A-level Business Specifications for first teaching in 2023. Teaching from: September 2015: Exams from: 2016 (AS), 2017 (A-level) QAN code: 601/4337/X, 601/4336/8: A-level Business 7132. Level 3 Applied Business Specification Specification for first teaching from 2016. -create an exam structure which will AS and A-levels. A Level Business Studies AQA – Topics. Access planning, teaching and assessment resources, key dates, professional development and more. Past Papers AQA This collection of study resources is designed to support students exploring Section 3. 1 September 2016. 1. Discover revision notes, exam questions, past papers, flashcards and more. This booklet includes: Tips from examiners; Different styles of activities for students to complete; A breakdown of exams and topics to be covered in each exam; Revision activities; Calculation practice; This revision guide could be used during lessons or for independent learning. 6 Human resource management. It covers topics such as managing marketing, operations, This document provides the subject content, assessment objectives, weightings and general administration for AS and A-level Business qualifications from AQA. A-level Business 7132. This specification is designed to be taken over one or two years with all assessments taken at the end of the AS and A-level Business DRAFT Specification for teaching from September 2025 onwards. This is our new draft specification for first teaching in September 2025. Search resources: Filter (4) AS and A-levels. Cash flow ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX | AQA is not responsible for the content of external sites. 0 Statement of The AQA Level 3 Certificate in Applied Business will give learners the opportunity to learn and understand the fundamental business and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills associated with working within This collection of study resources is designed to support students exploring Section 3. Don't forget to pre-order your free A Level Business Specification Comparison Report from tutor2u, where we'll compare and contrast ALL the new Business specs side-by-side. 1 Why choose AQA for A-level History We have worked closely with a number of publishers to produce textbooks that link directly to the specification. 1. First registration date . 1 What is business . 1 Why choose AQA for A-level ChemistryRelevant in the classroom and the real world. 3 Focus: Business and society, business and the external environment, ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, A-level Business 7132. 1 What is business? 2 Managers, leadership and decision making; AQA Education has obtained an For our outgoing specification, visit AS/A-level Business (7131, 7132). Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) 40% of A-level; Non-exam assessment (NEA) set by AQA, Please refer to Assessing the Personal investigation of the specification for more information on how to assess the Personal investigation. 0 Scheme of assessment. 16–18, 19+ It includes: Understanding the nature and purpose of business; Understanding the different types of businesses; and Understanding that businesses operate within an external environment. AQA qualification number . Find out how to access planning, teaching and assessment resources, past papers, examiners' reports and more. The Getting Started Guide for AS and A level Business – available free on the Business pages of the Edexcel website – includes detailed coverage of the principles AQA A-Level Business Studies (7132) Specimen Papers. ©AQA 2024 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: Devas Street, Manchester, M15 6EX AS and A-level Business. Hi. Search resources: Filter (5) Unit 1: What is Business? These revision notes cover 'What is Business', which is the first unit in AQA A Level Business. Home. Biology (7401) Business (7131) Chemistry (7404) Geography (7037) History (7041) Physics (7407) Psychology (7181) Sociology (7191) See all AS and A-Levels. See the summary of removed and added Find out the subject content, assessment objectives, weightings and administration details for teaching and examining AS and A-level Business from September 2023 onwards. We're updating our series of Teaching PowerPoints for AQA A-Level Business to reflect the new specification (first teaching from 2023). ©AQA 2025 | Company number: 03644723 | Registered office: AS and A-level Business. uk/7132 for the most up-to-date specifications, resources, support and administration Contents 1 Introduction 5 1. A-Level AS and A-levels. Business. If your school or college has not previously offered any AQA specification, you need to register as an AQA centre to offer our specifications to your students. 19 Dec 2024. Operations management AQA Education has obtained an injunction preventing interference with public examinations. 3 Draft specification 7 2 Specification at a The current specification has been around for some time – written in 2013, for first teaching in 2015. 1 Why choose AQA for AS and A-level Business 5 1. AS and A-level Business. pdf), Text File (. We involved over a thousand teachers in developing this specification, to ensure that the subject content is relevant to real world experiences and is interesting to teach and learn. uk. 19 Aug 2016. • Oxford AQA International Advanced Level Business. Choose a specification for everything you need to plan, teach and prepare AS and A-level Business. AQA-A-Level-Business-Specification-Checklist - Free download as PDF File (. AQA Advanced Level GCE in Business: 7138: 3210: This specification complies with: Ofqual General conditions of AS and A-level Business. tutor2u. 12 MB. uk/7127 for the most up-to-date specification, 1. Specification topic reference: 3. neallayton18. 3 KB. 0 Visit aqa. Search resources: Filter (5) Knowledge Book for AQA A-Level Business (for exams from 2025) in Student Workbooks. 3 How do I start using this specification? 3 1. This is a list of formulae to support teaching of our AS/A-level Business specification (7131/7132). Explore the This is a draft specification for teaching and examining AS and A-level Business from September 2025 onwards. 1 Why choose AQA for A-level EconomicsRelevant content designed by experts.
Aqa a level business specification. Oxford AQA International AS/A-level Business specification.